Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
January 9, 2007
January 23, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Brian C. Lee, P.E., Acting Director of Public Works
“Streamlining” the Contracting Process for Sewer Maintenance Projects of the Sewer/Sanitation Districts Governed by the Board of Supervisors
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to proceed with:
Preparing plans and specifications for sewer maintenance/rehabilitation type projects that:
do not have long lead times or require significant design;
are not considered controversial; and
do not require state or federal grant approvals or other extensive permit approvals from regulatory agencies; and
Advertising for bids for maintenance/rehabilitation type projects as defined above.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Ensure the basic health and safety for all.
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors.
Authorizing the Director of Public Works to proceed with developing plans and advertising for bids for sewer maintenance and/or rehabilitation projects will improve the efficiency of the bidding process and expedite the delivery of these types of projects for the benefit of the public.
Previous Board Action
Adopted a similar resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications and the calling for bids for non-controversial road resurfacing/reconstruction projects.
The Public Contract Code and the County Ordinance Code provide that projects over $100,000 must be formally advertised and then awarded by your Board based on competitive bids. Projects under $100,000 can follow the informal bid process as provided by the Public Contract Code. Historically, the formal bid process for advertisement and award has required two separate, sequential actions by your Board:
a resolution adopting plans and specifications and calling for sealed bids; and
a resolution awarding a contract to the low bidder.
The “streamlined” process for non-controversial projects authorizes the Director of Public Works to call for bids. The project would then be brought to your Board for consideration and approval after bids are opened and the lowest responsible bidder is determined. During the same meeting the Board will adopt the plans and specifications and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. This process reduces the number of staff reports by approximately one-half and also shortens the time that it takes to award a contract and commence the work.
The “non-controversial projects” to which the streamline process would apply include those which involve sewer inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects. The streamlined process would not apply to projects that involve expansion of the sewer system.
Both State and Regional Water Resources Control Boards have implemented a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) control program, which mandates that all collection system agencies in the Bay Area prepare a Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) to reduce overall SSO’s. The SSMP requires each agency to evaluate its collection system’s condition and capacity, and can consist of inspecting the system by televising the sewer mains, performing spot repairs identified through television inspection, and implementing capital improvement projects to increase the size of the sewer mains where capacity is insufficient. The streamlining of these will assist in determining accurate cost estimates for calculation of sewer service charge rates.
We will be developing several projects for the ten (10) sewer/sanitation districts governed by your Board to meet the State mandates, and “streamlining” the process will help expedite the projects and reduce staff time and costs associated with the bid process.
We will prepare contract documents for the above-mentioned type of projects if your Board approves a resolution authorizing us to use the “streamline” process.
Other projects requiring significant public input, federal or state grant approvals or multiple regulatory approvals will be brought to your Board at both the bid phase as well as the award of contract phase.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
Fiscal Impact
The projects are proposed to be financed with funds of the sewer/sanitation districts governed by your Board.
There is no impact to the General Fund.