COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Inter-Departmental Correspondence | |||||
January 8, 2007 | ||||
January 23, 2007 | ||||
300-foot radius | ||||
Majority | ||||
TO: |
Honorable Board of Supervisors | ||||
Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development | ||||
Consideration of a Coastal Development Permit pursuant to Section 6328.4 of the County Zoning Regulations, Use Permit pursuant to Section 6500 of the County Zoning Regulations, and a Resource Management District Permit pursuant to Section 6903 of the County Zoning Regulations, and certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to allow the construction of a wireless antenna facility on a 70-acre parcel located at 1589 Higgins Canyon Road in the unincorporated area east of Half Moon Bay. | ||||
County File Number: |
PLN 2005-00610 (Braun) | ||||
Certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, and Resource Management District Permit, County File No. PLN 2005-00610, by making the required findings and adopting the conditions of approval in Attachment A of this report. | |||||
Commitments: (1) Ensure basic health and safety for all. (2) Responsive, effective and collaborative government. | |||||
Goals: (7) Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors. (20) Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain. | |||||
This project contributes to the above commitments and goals since it will increase the clarity, range and capacity of the wireless network, enhancing service for the public in general, and for public safety personnel. Approval of the requested permits is conditioned to ensure that the project is designed and implemented so that no adverse environmental impacts will result from construction or operation of the facility. | |||||
Proposal: The applicant is proposing to construct a wireless communications facility consisting of a single antenna structure and associated equipment on a site large enough to accommodate the structure and equipment, approximately 500 sq. ft. in size based on other similar facilities. The final location of the site is yet to be determined, but will be in the area identified on the Project Site Constraints Map, Attachment D. All structures will be contained within a lease area of approximately 500 sq. ft. enclosed by a 6-foot high chain-link fence. Access to the lease area will likely be via an existing dirt road that may be widened and resurfaced with gravel to meet County Public Works Department and Half Moon Bay Fire District Standards. | |||||
Previous Action: This application is presented to the Board in accordance with a legal settlement reached between the County and the Brauns. The settlement provides for the issuance of a “property-wide” coastal development permit for a wireless antenna site on the property. The permit must identify as broadly as possible those areas on the property where the wireless antenna site may or may not be located. The permit may not limit the number of antennae that may be placed on the antenna structure. The proposal before the Board, which includes the application for a coastal development permit and associated use permit, would include conditions that would only have to be met at the time a building permit is applied for to build a wireless antenna facility, and are of the nature that have been required of similar facilities in the past. The applicant is not precluded from applying for and/or being granted a coastal development permit for additional wireless facilities in the future, which would be subject to the normal permitting processes. | |||||
Report Prepared By: Lisa Aozasa, Senior Planner, Telephone 650/363-4852 | |||||
Applicant: Oscar Braun | |||||
Owner: Andrea Braun | |||||
Location: 1589 Higgins Canyon Road, Half Moon Bay (unincorporated) | |||||
APN: 064-370-240 | |||||
Size: 69.13 acres | |||||
Existing Zoning: RM/CZ/CD (Resource Management/Coastal Zone District, Coastal Development District) | |||||
General Plan Designation: Open Space | |||||
Existing Land Use: The property is developed with a single-family residence, stable structure, sheds and mobile home. | |||||
Flood Zone: Zone C (area of minimal flooding); Community Panel No. 060311-0094B, Effective Date: July 5, 1984 | |||||
Environmental Evaluation: Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared and published, with review period from Jan. 2, 2007 to Jan. 22, 2007 | |||||
Setting: The project site is located approximately 1½ miles east from Highway 1 on Higgins Canyon Road and consists of gently rolling hills. The vegetation consists primarily of grasses, shrubs, and a few trees. There are no prime agricultural soils, sensitive habitats, fault zones, or water bodies on the property. As mentioned above, development on the property includes a single-family residence, stable structure, sheds and a mobile home. Access to the property is via a 50-foot wide easement running from Higgins Canyon Road through adjacent parcel number 064-370-160. Surrounding properties are similar large open parcels developed with single-family homes, out buildings and minor development associated with agricultural activities. Please see Location and Vicinity Maps, Attachments B and C, and Aerial Map, Attachment E. | |||||
A. |
1. |
Conformance with General Plan | ||||
Staff has determined that the project, as conditioned, complies with all applicable General Plan policies, with further discussion of polices related to Visual Quality. | |||||
Specifically, General Plan Policy 4.20 (Utility Structures) requires minimization of visual impacts generated by utility structures. The Visual Resources Component of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) also requires that new development harmonize with surrounding natural features and vegetation as discussed further in Section 5. Further, the project site is within the Higgins Canyon Road County Scenic Corridor and is subject to Visual Quality Policies governing Rural Scenic Corridors. | |||||
To ensure that the proposed antenna structure and associated equipment comply with these policies regarding visual impact, standard conditions and mitigation measures required for such facilities in rural areas have been added to be implemented at the building permit stage as shown on Attachment A. For example, Mitigation Measure 10 requires that the antenna structure and equipment cabinets be painted to blend with the surrounding vegetation and to appear inconspicuous when viewed against surrounding hillsides. The equipment enclosure fencing must be black plastic-coated with dark-green wooden slats, which is least visually obtrusive. A complete landscape and irrigation plan will be required prior to issuance of a building permit to ensure that the antenna structure and equipment are screened from view and blend with the natural setting. | |||||
The antenna structure can be up to 36 feet tall in accordance with the RM/CZ District regulations, however, in an open area of varied topography, is likely to be much lower than that, based on similar facilities already established in rural areas. In any case, Mitigation Measure 7 requires that photo simulations be submitted to verify that the facility will not project above a ridgeline or skyline as viewed from Highway 1 or Higgins Canyon Road, in accordance with General Plan and LCP Policies regarding ridgelines and skylines. The Project Site Constraints Map, Attachment D shows the location of ridgelines on the subject parcel to be avoided when siting the facility. Also, the required landscape plan must include a sufficient number and species of shrubs and trees that grow to a maximum height at maturity sufficient to adequately screen the antenna structure and the equipment. | |||||
Installation of the facility itself will likely require minimal disturbance to existing vegetation, however, widening and resurfacing of the existing dirt road may be required to provide access to the site. As such, a condition has been added requiring that all disturbed areas be revegetated with compatible native vegetation. With the protections afforded by these conditions of approval, the proposed wireless facility will not substantially alter the existing visual character of the area. | |||||
2. |
Conformance with Local Coastal Program | ||||
Please see discussion under Section 5, Conformance with Coastal Development Permit Findings. | |||||
3. |
Conformance with Zoning Regulations | ||||
a. |
RM/CZ Development Standards. Under the provisions of Section 6500 (Use Permits), wireless communications facilities are permitted in the RM/CZ (Resource Management/Coastal Zone) District after issuance of a use permit. The project will be conditioned to comply with all development standards for this zoning district, including height. The maximum permitted building height in the RM/CZ is 36 feet. The required front setback is 50 feet, with 20 feet minimum required along side and rear property lines. For a parcel of this size, there should be no problem meeting these setback requirements. In addition, setbacks and height must be verified by a surveyor, which is a routine requirement at the building permit stage. | ||||
b. |
RM/CZ Development Review Criteria. Zoning Regulations Chapter 36A.2 (Development Review Criteria) stipulates several criteria and standards with which development in the RM/CZ District must comply. The proposal, as conditioned, complies with all such criteria, including the Site Design, Utilities, and Primary Scenic Resources Areas Criteria. The standard conditions of approval required for wireless facilities in rural areas that have been added to the project as discussed above under Visual Quality will ensure that the project complies with these criteria, which also require that development be located, sited and designed to carefully fit its environment so that its presence is subordinate to the pre-existing character of the site and its surroundings to the maximum extent practicable. The requirements for photo simulations to verify minimum visibility from scenic roads and avoidance of ridgeline or skyline locations, along with appropriate colors and landscaping, will minimize the visual impacts of the facility in accordance with these criteria. In addition, any new connecting utility lines are required to be installed underground to further minimize visual impacts (see Condition 8, Attachment A). | ||||
c. |
Coastal Development District. The proposed project is also located within the CD (Coastal Development) Combining District. The regulations for the CD District and the policies of the LCP emphasize that development within the Coastal Zone should minimize visual impacts. As discussed under “Conformance with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program” above, the proposed facility complies with the policies of the LCP, and will not create a significant visual impact. In addition, see further discussion under Section 5, Conformance with Coastal Development Permit Findings. | ||||
4. |
Conformance with Use Permit Findings | ||||
Under the provisions of Section 6500 (Use Permits) of the County Zoning Regulations, wireless communications facilities are permitted in the RM/CZ Zoning District after issuance of a use permit. The following two findings must be made for the issuance of the use permit: | |||||
a. |
Find that the establishment, maintenance and/or conducting of the use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, result in a significant adverse impact to coastal resources, or be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. | ||||
The visual impacts from this project, as conditioned, will be minimal as discussed above. In addition, as required for all wireless communications facilities, the applicant will be required to submit a radio frequency (RF) emissions report prior to issuance of a building permit. The report must analyze the cumulative RF emissions that would result from the proposed project to ensure that they do not exceed the applicable public exposure limit as set by the FCC. The report will also verify that the proposed facility will not interfere with existing communications equipment in the vicinity. Given the low density of development in this general area and relatively remote location, public exposure to any RF emissions or interference with existing communications equipment resulting from the proposed facility is unlikely. Finally, the proposed facility consists of a single antenna structure and associated equipment that require infrequent service visits, and will not generate additional traffic, noise, or intensity of use of the property. | |||||
b. |
Find that the use is necessary for the public health, safety, convenience or welfare. | ||||
This project will increase the clarity, range, and capacity of the wireless network and will enhance service for the public in general. The project will also increase reliability and network coverage for law enforcement and other public safety personnel. The site is relatively isolated. No adverse effects to public health and safety are anticipated from this proposal. | |||||
5. |
Conformance with Coastal Development Permit Findings | ||||
Under the provisions of Section 6328.4 of the County Zoning Regulations, development of wireless communications facilities within the Coastal Development Combining District require a Coastal Development Permit. The following findings must be made for the approval of the Coastal Development Permit: | |||||
a. |
That the project, as described in the application and accompanying materials and as conditioned, conforms with the plans, policies, requirements and standards of the San Mateo County Local Coastal Program. | ||||
The proposed project complies with the policies of the LCP, and will not create a significant visual impact. Specifically, the project as conditioned complies with LCP Policy 8.18 (Structural and Community Features – Rural Development Design) since the single antenna structure and equipment will be painted to blend with the color of the surrounding vegetation and will be as unobtrusive as possible. Additionally, the project complies with LCP Policies 8.5 (Location of Development) and 8.7 (Development on Skylines and Ridgelines), since the Project Site Constraints Map, Attachment D, shows the location of ridgelines on the parcel to be avoided when siting the facility and photo-simulations will be required to verify that the facility is set back from the ridgeline, so as not to be readily visible from Highway 1 or Higgins Canyon Rd. In compliance with LCP Policy 9.18 (Regulation of Development on 30% or Steeper Slopes), the project site constraints map shows those areas of greater than 30% slope where development is prohibited. The area to be disturbed by construction of the facility is relatively small, and access is likely to be via the existing road that traverses the property, so a minimal amount of vegetation will be removed, and a condition has been added requiring that all disturbed areas be revegetated. Finally, the unmanned facility will not create significant increases in traffic or burden other existing infrastructure. | |||||
b. |
That the project conforms to the specific findings required by the policies of the San Mateo County Local Coastal Program. | ||||
As discussed, the project as conditioned complies with Policies 8.18, 8.5, 8.7, and 9.18 since the proposed antenna structure and equipment will blend with the surrounding environment, be as unobtrusive as possible, will avoid projecting above skylines/ridgelines and steep slopes, and will not detract from the natural, open space or visual qualities of the area. | |||||
B. |
An Initial Study was conducted and a Mitigated Negative Declaration issued for a 20-day review period pursuant to CEQA (see Attachment F). The comment period for the Mitigated Negative Declaration will close on January 22, 2007. Any comments received will be reported to the Board at the January 23rd hearing. | |||||
C. |
Building Inspection Section | |||||
Department of Public Works | |||||
Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District | |||||
A. |
Recommended Findings and Conditions of Approval | ||||
B. |
Location Map | ||||
C. |
Vicinity Map | ||||
D. |
Project Site Constraints Map | ||||
E. |
Aerial Map | ||||
F. |
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration | ||||
LAA:kcd - LAAR0028_WKU.DOC
Attachment A | ||||||
Permit File Number: PLN 2005-00610 |
Board Meeting Date: January 23, 2007 | |||||
Prepared By: |
Lisa Aozasa |
For Adoption By: Board of Supervisors | ||||
Senior Planner | ||||||
For the Environmental Review, Find: | ||||||
1. |
That the Mitigated Negative Declaration is complete, correct and adequate and prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and applicable State and County guidelines. | |||||
2. |
That, on the basis of the Initial Study, comments received hereto, and testimony presented and considered at the public hearing, there is no substantial evidence that the project, if subject to the mitigation measures contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, will have a significant effect on the environment. | |||||
3. |
That the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment of San Mateo County. | |||||
4. |
That the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, agreed to by the applicant, placed as conditions on the project, and identified as part of this public hearing, have been incorporated into the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan in conformance with California Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. | |||||
For the Coastal Development Permit, Find: | ||||||
5. |
That the project, as described in the application and accompanying materials and as conditioned, conforms with the plans, policies, requirements and standards of the San Mateo County Local Coastal Program because, as discussed in the staff report, the proposed antennas will not have a significant visual impact. | |||||
6. |
That the project conforms to the specific findings required by the policies of the San Mateo County Local Coastal Program, since, as discussed in the staff report, it complies with Policies 8.18, 8.5, 8.7 and 9.18 since the proposed antenna structure and equipment will blend with the surrounding environment, be as unobtrusive as possible, will not be located on ridgelines or slopes steeper than 30%, and will not detract from the natural, open space or visual qualities of the area. | |||||
For the Use Permit, Find: | ||||||
7. |
That the establishment, maintenance, and conducting of the proposed use will not, as conditioned, under the circumstances of the particular case, result in a significant adverse impact to coastal resources, or be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood because there will be no public exposure to RF emissions exceeding State and Federal standards. | |||||
8. |
That the approval of this wireless telecommunications facility is necessary for the public health, safety, convenience or welfare since the project will allow increased clarity, range and capacity of the existing wireless network and will enhance service for the general public. | |||||
For the Resource Management/Coastal Zone District Permit, Find: | ||||||
9. |
That the proposed project discussed in the staff report, as conditioned, is in compliance with the Development Review Criteria as stipulated in Chapter 36A.2 of the Zoning Regulations. | |||||
Planning Department | ||||||
1. |
Any modifications to this facility will require amendment of the use permit and coastal development permit. If an amendment is requested, the applicant shall submit the necessary documents and fees for consideration at a public hearing. There shall be an administrative review for compliance with conditions of approval of this use permit two years after the building permit is finaled. | |||||
2. |
This approval applies only to the proposal, documents, and plans described in this staff report and approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 2007. Minor revisions or modifications to the project may be made if they are consistent with the intent of and in substantial conformance with this approval, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. | |||||
3. |
The applicant shall obtain a building permit and install the antenna structure, antennas, equipment cabinets, fencing, and miscellaneous power and communication lines in accordance with these conditions of approval. | |||||
4. |
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall comply with all applicable requirements of County Public Works and Building Departments, and the Half Moon Bay Fire District, including but not limited to, all geotechnical and site access requirements. | |||||
5. |
An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to any construction or other work within the public right-of-way. | |||||
6. |
Construction hours shall be Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and no construction will be allowed on Sundays or national holidays. Noise levels produced by the proposed construction activity shall not exceed 80 dBA level at any one moment. | |||||
7. |
All new utility connections from this cellular facility shall be installed underground. No new utility poles are to be installed. | |||||
8. |
This installation shall be removed in its entirety at that time when this technology becomes obsolete or this facility is discontinued for 180 consecutive days. | |||||
9. |
The provision of San Mateo County Grading Ordinance shall govern all grading on and adjacent to this site. Unless exempted by the Grading Ordinance, the applicant may be required to apply for a Grading Permit upon completion of their review of the plans and should access construction be necessary. | |||||
10. |
No grading shall commence until the applicant has applied for and been issued a Grading Permit by the Current Planning Section of the County of San Mateo. | |||||
Mitigation Measures | ||||||
All Mitigation Measures identified for this project as included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, certified by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 2007, and listed below are hereby made conditions of this project approval: | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 1: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a driveway “plan and profile” to the Department of Public Works, showing the driveway access to the cell site complying with County standards for driveway slopes (not to exceed 20%). In addition, the driveway plan shall show a “typical” driveway section, including a structural section. The plan shall also include and show specific provisions and details for handling both the existing and the proposed drainage. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 2: The applicant shall, pursuant to Section 4.100.150 of the San Mateo County Code, submit a construction site stormwater management plan to the Planning and Building Department, for the review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. The plan shall illustrate and describe appropriate methods, chosen by the applicant from the California Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook, to control stormwater runoff from the project site during construction and from land use activities on the site once the project is completed. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 3: As part of the stormwater management plan required by the building permit, the applicant shall submit an erosion and sediment transport control plan designed by an erosion control professional, landscape architect, or civil engineer (hereafter referred to as the applicant’s erosion control consultant) specializing in erosion control, that would meet the following objectives for the grading and construction period of the project. Implementation shall occur as follows: | ||||||
a. |
The erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. It shall be implemented and inspected as part of the inspection process for the project. The approved plan shall be activated during the period of grading activity if any rainstorms occur. Any revisions to the plan shall be prepared and signed by the applicant’s erosion control consultant and reviewed by the Department of Public Works. | |||||
b. |
The plan shall be based on the specific erosion and sediment transport control needs in which grading and construction are to occur. The possible methods are not necessarily limited to the following items: | |||||
(1) |
Confine grading and activities related to grading (construction, preparation and use of equipment and material storage/staging areas, preparation of access roads) to the dry season, whenever possible. | |||||
(2) |
If grading or activities related to grading need to be scheduled for the wet season, ensure that structural erosion and sediment transport control measures are ready for implementation prior to the onset of the first major storm of the season. | |||||
(3) |
Locate staging areas outside major drainage ways. | |||||
(4) |
Keep the lengths and gradients of constructed slopes (cut or fill) as low as possible. | |||||
(5) |
Prevent runoff from flowing over unprotected slopes. | |||||
(6) |
Keep disturbed areas (areas of grading and related activities) to the minimum necessary for demolition or construction. | |||||
(7) |
Keep runoff away from disturbed areas during grading and related activities. | |||||
(8) |
Stabilize disturbed areas as quickly as possible, either by vegetative or mechanical methods. | |||||
(9) |
Direct runoff over vegetated areas prior to discharge into public storm drainage systems, whenever possible. | |||||
(10) |
Trap sediment before it leaves the site with such techniques as check dams, sediment ponds, or siltation fences. | |||||
(11) |
Make the contractor responsible for the removal and disposal of all sedimentation on-site or off-site that is generated by grading and related activities of the project. | |||||
(12) |
Use landscaping and grading methods that lower the potential for downstream sedimentation. Modified drainage patterns, longer flow paths, encouraging infiltration into the ground, and slower stormwater conveyance velocities are examples of effective methods. | |||||
(13) |
Control landscaping activities carefully with regard to the application of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, or other hazardous substances. Provide proper instruction to all landscaping personnel on the construction team. | |||||
c. |
During the installation of the erosion and sediment control structures, the applicant’s erosion control consultant shall be on the site to supervise the implementation of the designs, and the maintenance of the facilities throughout the grading and construction period. It shall be the responsibility of the consultant to regularly inspect the erosion control measures and determine that they are functioning as designed and that proper maintenance is being performed. Deficiencies shall be immediately corrected. | |||||
Mitigation Measure 4: The applicant shall submit an on-site drainage plan, as prepared by their civil engineer, showing all permanent, post-construction stormwater controls and drainage mechanisms at the time of each respectively submitted project application. The required drainage plan shall show, in all respective cases, the necessary mechanisms to contain all water runoff generated by on-site impervious surfaces and shall include facilities to minimize the amount and pollutants of stormwater runoff through on-site percolation and filtering facilities. | ||||||
The drainage plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department for review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. The plan shall be included as part of the project’s final building permit application and construction plans. The County Building Inspection Section and Department of Public Works shall ensure that the approved plan is implemented prior to the project’s final building and/or grading inspection approval. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 5: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a Radio Frequency (RF) report shall be submitted for review by the Community Development Director to ensure that the FCC public exposure standards are not exceeded, and that the proposed facility will not interfere with existing communication systems in the vicinity. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 6: Noise levels produced by the proposed grading/construction activity shall not exceed the 80-dBA level at any one moment. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Grading/construction operations shall be prohibited on Sunday and any national holiday. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 7: Whether the applicant installs a monopole, monopine or other antenna structure, trees shall be planted to mitigate the visual impact. Photo simulations shall be submitted to verify that the landscape screening will be sufficient at maturity to screen the facility, and to verify that the project does not project above a skyline or ridgeline when viewed from Highway 1 and Higgins Canyon Road in compliance with LCP Policy 8.7. Landscaping shall be installed and verified by Planning staff prior to building permit final. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 8: The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape and irrigation plan, for review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. The plan must indicate the location of species and quantity of shrubs and trees proposed. The species of proposed shrubs must be evergreen, must grow to a minimum mature height of 6 feet in height, must be planted with a minimum of 4-foot center spacing, and must be non-invasive and non-exotic. The plan must show the type and design of the irrigation system that will irrigate the new landscaping. The applicant shall maintain the landscaping shown on the approved plans in perpetuity and replace any dead plant material immediately. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 9: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a landscape plan to the Planning Department for review and approval. The landscape plan shall specify how all areas disturbed during construction (outside of the permanent improvements associated with the project) will be revegetated. The plan shall specify the use of native, non-invasive, drought-tolerant species that are compatible with existing species in the vicinity. The plan shall specify how the revegetated areas will be watered during the establishment period. Planning staff shall confirm that such revegetation/reseeding has been adequately applied prior to the Planning Department’s final approval of the project’s building permit. The applicant shall maintain the landscaping shown on the approved plans in perpetuity and replace any dead plant material immediately. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 10: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit color samples for the antenna structure, and equipment cabinets. All equipment and structures shall be painted to match the surrounding vegetation. Paint colors shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. Color verification by a building inspector shall occur in the field after the applicant has painted the equipment the approved color, but before the applicant schedules a final inspection. | ||||||
Mitigation Measure 11: Any chain link fence to be located around the antenna equipment area and the cabinet equipment area shall be black plastic coated with dark green, wooden slats. | ||||||
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