Three members of the Mental Health Board, Francisco Vera, Alison Mills and Andrew Calman have recently resigned. Mr. Vera represented the category of Public Citizen, Ms. Mills represented the category of Consumer and Mr. Calman represented the category of Family Member.
A recruitment was conducted and serving as the Board Sub-Committee for this appointment process, we interviewed eight candidates. Members of the Mental Health Board joined us for these interviews. We believe that all three would be valuable additions to the Mental Health Board.
Al David is a resident of Emerald Hills and works in the Information Services Department at the San Mateo Medical Center. He has served as a volunteer with the Friends of Edgewood Park and is a member of the Queens Club, an organization dedicated to meeting the unmet needs of allied veterans.
Glen Rossman is a resident of Menlo Park who has experienced life with a family member diagnosed with mental illness. Mr. Rossman recently retired from Cisco Systems and has served as an active member of the San Mateo County branch of the National Association for Mental Illness.
Patrisha Scott is a resident of East Palo Alto who is a consumer of mental health services in San Mateo County. Among her many civic engagements, Ms Scott has served as a member of the Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Committee, the Bay Area Black United Fund and on the South County Liaison for the Health Department.