Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
January 30, 2007
February 13, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Brian C. Lee, Acting Director of Public Works
Removal of the Crosswalk and Prohibiting Pedestrian Crossing on Santa Cruz Avenue at Palo Alto Way, Menlo Park Area
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to remove the painted crosswalk and to post signs prohibiting pedestrians from crossing Santa Cruz Avenue at the intersection of Palo Alto Way, Menlo Park area.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or gain.
Removal of the existing crosswalk and preventing pedestrians from crossing Santa Cruz Avenue at this uncontrolled intersection will assist us in maintaining the orderly movement of pedestrians and traffic on public rights-of-ways.
Previous Board Action
Entered into an Agreement with Stanford Land Management Company for the installation of improvements (including pedestrian actuated signals) at the intersection of Santa Cruz Avenue and Sand Hill Road.
Awarded a contract to Republic Electric for the installation of pedestrian countdown signals at County-maintained intersections, including Santa Cruz Avenue at Alameda de las Pulgas/Campo Bello Lane.
The posted speed limit on Santa Cruz Avenue at Palo Alto Way is 35 miles per hour. The subject crosswalk extends across five traffic lanes (two through lanes in each direction and a shared turning lane in the center) and a parking area on the east side. There is no pedestrian refuge area (i.e. island) in the intersection.
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) defines “crosswalk” as any intersection of roadways that meet at approximately right angles, and any portion of a roadway indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the road surface. Santa Cruz Avenue at Palo Alto Way currently meets both definitions of “crosswalk.”
Section 21100(d) of the CVC provides that local authorities may, by resolution, regulate traffic by means of official traffic control devices. Section 21106(b) of the CVC allows for the installation of signs prohibiting pedestrian crossing at indicated crosswalks.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) cited 30 vehicles that failed to yield to officers posing as pedestrians in the crosswalk during approximately one hour in
November 2006. Department staff subsequently performed pedestrian counts at the intersection, and observed a total of five (5) pedestrians using the crosswalk during two hours of observation. We believe there is insufficient pedestrian demand to warrant the installation of additional safety improvements at this intersection. We recommend removal of the crosswalk and posting of signs directing pedestrians to the existing, signal-controlled crossings at either Santa Cruz Avenue/Sand Hill Road to the south, or Santa Cruz Avenue/Campo Bello Way to the north. The CHP concurs with our recommendation to remove the existing crosswalk to improve pedestrian safety.
The intersection of Santa Cruz Avenue and Sand Hill Road is approximately
600 feet to the south. The intersection of Santa Cruz Avenue and Campo Bello Way is approximately 700 feet to the north. We believe these signal-controlled intersections are within reasonable distances from the intersection of Palo Alto Way to allow pedestrians and non-motorized wheelchairs to safely cross into the University Park neighborhood.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of removing the existing crosswalk and installing prohibitive signs is estimated at $5,000. This cost will be financed with Road Funds.
There is no impact to the General Fund.