Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
February 15, 2007
February 27, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Doug Koenig, Acting Director of Public Works
Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Post Parallel Parking Only Signs on a Portion of Alpine Road near Piers Lane – Menlo Park Area
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to post signs requiring parallel parking on Alpine Road near Piers Lane.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or gain.
Your Board’s adoption of the proposed resolution will allow us to provide for improved movement of traffic along this portion of Alpine Road, while preserving parking opportunities for visitors to the Stanford Dish Trail.
Previous Board Action
Continued this item from the February 6, 2007 Board of Supervisors meeting, to allow time to explore alternatives to posting the area as a “no parking” zone.
Visitors to the Stanford Dish Trail area park vehicles along Alpine Road in unimproved shoulder areas to both the east and west of Piers Lane. The majority of drivers parking in the area park perpendicular to Alpine Road as the shoulders are sufficiently wide. However, vehicles parked in this manner obstruct the visibility of oncoming traffic. A map of the parking areas is attached as Exhibit ‘A’ to this report.
We had recommended establishing a no parking zone on Alpine Road west of the intersection of Piers Lane to eliminate this obstruction and improve sight distance for motorists along Alpine Road and exiting Piers Lane. Residents of the Stanford Weekend Acres area expressed concerns that parking might then overflow into the surrounding neighborhood streets, which include Alpine Road, Bishop Lane and Sneckner Court.
We have determined that requiring motorists to park parallel in this area will increase sight distances while preserving parking opportunities. We estimate that there will be sufficient space for six (6) or seven (7) vehicles to park in this area after the signs are posted, and approximately five (5) parking spaces will have been eliminated, depending on the sizes of vehicles using the area.
A Resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of the staff time involved in evaluating and processing requests for parking regulations is part of the administrative costs associated with evaluating traffic-related requests involving the County maintained road system, and is financed with Road Funds. The cost of signing and marking parking regulations varies, but averages out to approximately $500 per zone. This cost is also financed with Road Funds.
There is no impact to the General Fund.