Adopt a Resolution:
A. Authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Telesoft Corporation for the purchase and installation of a telephone accounting system, in the amount of $311,341, installation to begin July 1, 2007 and will be completed no later than June 2008;
B. Authorizing the purchase of a three-year Maintenance Agreement, in the amount of $114,975, beginning either upon Project Close, or on the first day of the thirteenth month following the project kick-off meeting, whichever is earlier, and ending no later than June 30, 2012;
C. Authorizing the Chief Information Officer to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications not to exceed $25,000.
Goal 20: A telephone accounting system will allow decisions to be based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain. This Agreement contributes to this commitment and goal by loading the County’s multiple telephone contracts into a database, this will serve to ensure we are not being overcharged for any phone service
In June 2005, ISD, with the Board’s approval, contracted with Accucom Associates to do an audit of the County’s telephone system. A recommendation, from that audit, was to modernize our telephone billing system through the use of billing software. Our current billing process is slow, tedious, and labor intensive. About 80 percent of our Telephone Services Analyst’s time is spent processing bills and 20 percent analyzing the bills, correcting AT & T errors and recommending cost cutting plans to our customers. We want to reverse that work trend to 20 percent billing process and 80 percent analysis. To that end, ISD released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for telephone billing software. We found a product that met all of our specifications and will modernize our billing methods.
The software recommended for Board approval is Total Cost Management by Telesoft Corporation. This software package will handle invoice processing, call accounting, asset management, cell phone optimization, and recovery audits. We will be able to automatically review bills each month, match product inventory and other critical invoice components against actual inventory and approve payments. Electronic vendor feeds will automate data input, making it possible to review thousands of bills in an instant. A graphical interface makes it easy to spot overcharges and manage our communications spending in minutes, not months, thereby eliminating unnecessary late fees.
We will have a single source database for telephone information with accurate data about our network, what it is costing us, and it will give customers the ability to view their own reports. A centralized database will provide a single information source that combines traditional wired phone lines, wireless devices, equipment, and other data.
Two Telephone Services Analysts currently work on telephone billing. Once the Total Cost Management System is operational, one of the Analysts will be reassigned to duties (writing RFPs, leading projects, process analysis) that would have otherwise required hiring a third full-time employee.
The contractor has assured compliance with the County’s Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including, but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination, and equal benefits.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution and the Agreement.
The County Manager’s Office has approved the five-year contract term.
The not-to-exceed amount for hardware, software, installation, and training under this Agreement is $311,341. Maintenance Support will not exceed $114,975. Maintenance support is three years, beginning upon Project Close, or on the first day of the thirteenth month following the project kick-off meeting, whichever is earlier. Funds have been included in the recommended FY2007-08 budget.