Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



June 19, 2007


July 10, 2007







Honorable Board of Supervisors


James C. Porter, Director of Public Works


Road Fund Budget Set-Aside for the Reclamation of the Pescadero Quarry


Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to set aside $25,000 in Road Fund Contingencies as a financial assurance for the reclamation of the Pescadero Quarry.


Vision Alignment

Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.

Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.


The reclamation of the quarry, which includes the eradication of Pampas Grass, will reduce the potential for this weed to continue to spread into the surrounding area while the County continues to meet its commitment to reclaim the quarry property.



Previous Board Action


Approved the reclamation plan for the Pescadero Quarry in 1993.



Adopted similar resolutions authorizing a budget set-aside in previous fiscal years as financial assurance for the reclamation of Pescadero Quarry.



The Pescadero Quarry, located off of Bean Hollow Road, is owned by the County and financed exclusively through the Road Fund. Public Works is continuing with the reclamation of the property, which includes eradication and control of pampas grass on the property and maintaining the silt retention pond.


The State Surface Mining and Reclamation Act requires financial assurances to guarantee that operators of mines and quarries are able to finance State approved reclamation plans so that the public will not bear the cost of reclaiming these properties, irrespective of the fact that a quarry may be owned by a public entity.



The State requires that the County provide an assurance that meets its regulations which includes allowing the lead agency, the County’s Planning and Building Department, to expend these funds if it is determined that the operator, Public Works, is incapable of completing the reclamation. A specific set aside of contingency funds in the Road Fund budget meets the State guidelines of a financial assurance while still maintaining your Board’s authority over these County funds. We do not anticipate the need to expend these funds as Public Works is proceeding with the required reclamation of the quarry property.


A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.


Fiscal Impact

It is recommended that $25,000 in the Road Fund Contingency be specifically set aside to provide the financial assurance required by the State. The funds will remain in the Road Fund and accrue interest while serving as the required assurance by the State. There is no impact to the Road Fund unless a demand is made and your Board determines that the funds should be spent.


There is no impact to the General Fund.