Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
May 18, 2007
June 5, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Executive Summary - Proposed Increase in Sewer Service Charges for the Ten (10) County Governed Sewer/Sanitation Districts
Acting as the governing board of the ten (10) County Sewer/Sanitation Districts (Districts):
introduce an ordinance setting the sewer service charge rates for 2007-08 through 2011-2012 for nine (9) districts and for 2007-08 for the Crystal Springs County Sanitation District; and
adopt a resolution setting a time and place for a public hearing to consider the sewer service charges for FY 2007-2008 for the ten (10) Districts and directing the Director of Public Works to send a notice of the proposed rates and charges to each property owner in each district.
Vision Alignment:
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety for all residents and visitors.
Previous Board Action
Approved the process utilized by the Department for setting sewer service charge rates for each of the ten (10) districts.
Adopted an ordinance setting the current sewer service charge rates for nine (9) sewer/sanitation districts governed by your Board to pay for operation and treatment costs for the districts and not increasing the sewer service charge rate for the 2006-07 fiscal year for the Crystal Springs County Sanitation District due to a majority protest levied by the property owners.
State and Federal Regulations Regarding Sanitary Sewer Overflows from Sewer Collection Systems
The ten (10) Districts governed by your Board serve approximately 12,200 properties and finance the operation and maintenance of approximately 150 miles of sewer mains as well as the cost of treating the sewage collected by the Districts. Operation of the Districts’ sewer collection systems is regulated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act.
The RWQCB and SWRCB have implemented requirements for preparation of Sewer System Management Plans (SSMP) in an effort to eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). The RWQCB and the SWRCB also require reporting of SSOs. These requirements require additional resources and staff time.
Public Input Process
The Department has implemented a public input process involving letters to property owners and community meetings. The proposed rates result from property owner input at the community meetings and rate calculations performed by the Department.
Financing District Operations and Mandated Programs
The Districts are funded predominantly by sewer service charges that are set by ordinance and collected together with the property tax. The sewer service charge rates for each district, with the exception of the Crystal Springs County Sanitation District, were calculated to finance:
Continued routine and emergency maintenance (operation and maintenance).
Increased costs for sewage treatment and disposal.
Compliance with regulatory requirements.
Capital improvement projects in the district to increase the size of sewer mains where capacity is insufficient, and to rehabilitate or replace structurally damaged sewer mains.
Payments pursuant to existing agency agreements for costs associated with downstream system or facility improvements and upgrades.
We are proposing to set a one-year rate (2007-08) for the Crystal Springs County Sanitation District during which time District staff will work with a committee from the District to develop rates that will be acceptable to the property owners and meet the financial obligations of the District.
Process to be Followed in Implementing an Increase in the Current Rate and Fee Structure
The County Ordinance Code provides that sewer service charges for the Districts be collected on the tax roll and your Board must take the following three actions by July 24, 2007, to place the sewer service charges on the tax roll for FY 2007-2008:
Amend the Ordinance Code to increase the rates used to calculate the sewer service charge fees for each property within each district.
Hold a public hearing and receive testimony.
Adopt a Resolution adopting the FY 2007-2008 Sewer Service Charges Report.
Notice of the public hearing must be sent to the property owners in the districts. We are recommending that your Board direct us to notify each property owner of the recommended rates by mail and to explain that protests to the charges must be in writing.
Fiscal Impact
The proposed sewer service charge rates are for the next five (5) years in nine (9) Districts. We are proposing sewer service charge rates for only the 2007-08 fiscal year for the Crystal Springs County Sanitation District.
There is no impact on the General Fund.
Attachment “A” – Sewer Rate Increase Methodology
Attachment “B” – Comparison of Sewer Service Charges in Other Jurisdictions