Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
July 10, 2007
July 24, 2007
Complied with Public Hearing Noticing Requirements
Honorable Board of Supervisors
James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Adoption of the 2007-08 Water Pollution Control Service Charges Report for Flood Control Zone One - County Wide - San Mateo County Flood Control District
Acting as the governing board of the San Mateo County Flood Control District, at the conclusion of the public hearing, adopt a resolution approving the 2007-08 Water Pollution Control Service Charges Report for Flood Control Zone One and directing staff to file the report with the County Controller.
Vision Alignment
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goal 22: County and local governments effectively communicate, collaborate and develop strategic approaches to issues affecting the entire County.
The proposed charges will allow the County and all the cities in the County to finance a coordinated countywide program through the City County Association of Governments’ (C/CAG) San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program that complies with the pollution control requirements mandated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Previous Board Action
Formed Flood Control Zone One in 1993, for the purpose of carrying out pollution control requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The boundaries of Zone One are contiguous with those of the County.
Adopted as the Zone project the San Mateo County Storm Water Management Plan and authorized the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) to assume responsibility for the County-wide compliance with the NPDES requirements through the Plan.
Adopted Ordinance No. 03662 in 1995, at the request of C/CAG that set charge rates for storm water pollution control services in Flood Control Zone One.
Adopted Ordinance No. 04054 in 2001, at the request of C/CAG, which imposed additional fees for complying with storm water pollution control requirements mandated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Adopted resolutions annually which approved the Water Pollution Control Service Charges Reports for fiscal years 1995-96 through 2006-07 for Flood Control Zone One and authorized the filing of the report with the County Controller.
Set 9:30 a.m. on July 24, 2007 in your Chambers as the time and place of a public hearing on the 2007-08 Water Pollution Control Service Charges Report for Flood Control Zone One – Countywide.
The Storm Water Management Plan is the basis of a NPDES municipal permit issued by the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board. C/CAG, as in past years, is again requesting that your Board levy charges in Zone One to finance the General Program. The San Mateo County Flood Control Act provides that service charges may be placed upon the tax roll after the charges are considered at a noticed public hearing.
The rates are based on property use and average square-foot area of properties within the use classification as follows:
Parcel Description
Rate Established in 1995
Additional Fee Rate*
Total Rate if Combined
Single Family Resident
Condominium Units, Vacant Land, Agriculture, Misc.
Commercial, Retail, Manufacturing, Industrial
$3.44/Parcel plus $0.32/1,000 s.f. for parcels over 11,000 s.f.
$2.78/Parcel plus $0.26/1,000 s.f. for parcels over 11,000 s.f.
$6.22/Parcel plus $0.58/1,000 s.f. for parcels over 11,000 s.f.
The additional fee component has been adjusted by the change in the Consumer Price Index as provided for in the County Ordinance Code.
The charges are imposed in the cities that have requested that they be levied in their jurisdiction, upon every parcel on the assessor's roll except for parcels owned by local, state and federal governments, and public school districts. Separately taxed improvements, such as mobile homes and underground utility improvements, have also been exempted. We are also recommending that the fees be imposed on property within the unincorporated area. These fees are an ongoing charge with no proposed increase.
All cities except Woodside have passed resolutions formally endorsing the proposed program and the rates and charges to be imposed within their respective jurisdictions. Brisbane, Colma, and San Mateo are requesting that the Flood Control District collect only the Basic Fees as originally approved in 1995, and not the Additional Fees approved in 2001. C/CAG will bill these cities directly for the additional fee component. C/CAG will also bill Woodside directly on the basis of the above rate structure.
The purpose of the public hearing on this report is to allow your Board to hear and consider any and all objections or protests to the amount of the individual charges. Your Board, after the close of the hearing, may adopt the charges as presented or reduce any charge in the report or overrule any or all objections.
County Counsel has advised us that the NPDES charges are on going charges that were previously approved pursuant to an individually noticed public hearing and therefore are not subject to the Proposition 218 requirement of sending a separate notice to each individual property owner. Therefore we have noticed the public hearing by publishing a notice twice in a newspaper of general circulation.
A resolution adopting charges has been approved as to form by County Counsel. The form of resolution also allows the Director of Public Works to refund any overcharge resulting from data, data entry, or computation errors.
Fiscal Impact
The proposed rates are estimated to generate $1,431,518 in revenue that will be used to finance the General Program and reimburse the County for the costs associated with levying the charges including the per parcel charge levied by the Controller, estimated at $0.39 per parcel based on the Controller’s rate schedule as approved by your Board. There is no impact to the General Fund.