COUNTY OF SAN MATEOInter-Departmental Correspondence | |||||
Department of Public Works | |||||
July 12, 2007 | ||||
July 24, 2007 | ||||
None | ||||
Majority | ||||
TO: |
Honorable Board of Supervisors | ||||
James C. Porter, Director of Public Works | ||||
Installation of an Additional Streetlight on MacArthur Avenue in the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District – North Fair Oaks Area | ||||
Recommendation | |||||
Acting as the governing board of the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District (District), adopt a resolution determining that it is just and equitable and in the public interest to have the cost of installing and maintaining one (1) additional streetlight, proposed to be installed on MacArthur Avenue within the District’s boundary, charged against the District and authorizing the installation of the streetlight. | |||||
Vision Alignment | |||||
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all. | |||||
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety of all residents and visitors. | |||||
Your Board authorizing the proposed additional streetlight can result in providing improved lighting to the street for residents, pedestrians, and motorists. | |||||
Background | |||||
Previous Board Action | |||||
Adopted a policy directing the Department to notify property owners that are within 300 feet of the location of a proposed streetlight, of your Board’s consideration of a proposed streetlight. | |||||
History | |||||
Section 19160 of the State of California Streets and Highways Code provides that the Governing Board of a lighting district may consider the installation of additional streetlights if a petition signed by twenty (20) or more taxpayers in the district is filed with the district’s governing body. | |||||
Section 19161 provides that Upon institution of proceedings pursuant to Section 19160, if the governing body determines that it will be just and equitable and in the public interest for the additional cost, if any, of installation and maintenance of additional lights to be paid by the district as a whole. | |||||
A petition signed by twenty-two (22) taxpayers requesting the installation of one (1) additional streetlight on MacArthur Avenue has been received. We notified property owners within 300 feet of where the streetlight is proposed, that your Board would be considering installation of the streetlight. | |||||
Discussion | |||||
We believe there is sufficient evidence for your Board to find, under section 19161 that it will be just and equitable and in the public interest for the additional cost, if any, of installation and maintenance of additional lights to be paid by the district as a whole, as: | |||||
a) |
property owners have expressed concern that additional lighting is needed to improve security in the area; and | ||||
b) |
other streets within this area of the District have an equivalent density of streetlights as would exist with the addition of this streetlight; and | ||||
c) |
we have received no objections from property owners within 300 feet of the proposed additional streetlight. | ||||
The requested streetlight is proposed to be installed on an existing Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) pole near 677 MacArthur Avenue, as shown on Exhibit “A”. The streetlight spacing in this area of the District ranges from approximately 300 feet to 150 feet. The additional streetlight would result in a streetlight spacing of approximately 150 feet. | |||||
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel if your Board determines that the streetlight should be installed. | |||||
Fiscal Impact | |||||
The estimated fees and costs associated with the installation of one (1) streetlight is $730. The energy cost for one (1) streetlight based on PG&E’s current rate schedule is $4.45 per month per fixture. Funds are available in the District to pay for the initial cost of installation and future energy and maintenance costs for this streetlight. | |||||
We do not believe the addition of one (1) streetlight will have a significant effect on the District’s finances as it represents 0.18% of the total lighting fixtures in the District. | |||||
There is no impact to the General Fund. | |||||
Enclosure: |
Exhibit “A” – Vicinity Map |