Inter-Departmental Correspondence





August 27, 2007


September 11, 2007


500-foot Radius





Honorable Board of Supervisors



Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of a text amendment to the County Zoning Regulations creating two new zoning combining districts, “S-83” and “S-108”; and a land use map amendment rezoning two areas in the Los Trancos Woods district to change the area currently zoned R-1/S-8 to R-1/S-83 and the area currently zoned R-1/S-10 to R-1/S-108.




Adopt by ordinance two new combining zoning districts, S-83 and S-108 (Los Trancos Woods) to the County Zoning Regulations establishing a maximum floor area limit of 3,200 sq. ft. plus an amount equal to 10 percent of the lot size in excess of 7,500 sq. ft., and the additional zoning development standards described in the attached staff report and ordinance (Attachment E to the staff report).


Adopt by ordinance a land use map amendment rezoning two areas in Los Trancos Woods, changing the entirety of those areas currently zoned R-1/S-8 and R-1/S-10 to R-1/S-83 and R-1/S-108, respectively, as described in this report and attached ordinance (Attachment F to the staff report).



Commitment: Preserve and provide people access to our natural environment.

Goal: Number 14, which states that important natural resources are preserved and enhanced through environmental stewardship.

Response: The Los Trancos Woods area is semi-rural in character, and typified by heavy vegetation and heavily forested areas, with relatively small homes and significant amounts of open space. By limiting home sizes in the area, the proposed project would help maintain these natural resources.



Proposal: The proposed project includes two actions:


Addition of two new zoning combining districts, S-83 and S-108, to the San Mateo County Zoning Regulations. The new S-83 district will be identical to the existing S-8 district, and the S-108 will be identical to the existing S-10 district, with the exception that each of the new districts will contain a maximum floor area limit. Complete details of each new zoning district are described in the staff report.


The new floor area limit would set a threshold maximum floor area of 3,200 sq. ft. for lots of 7,500 sq. ft. or less, with additional amounts allowed based on the size of the lot. The allowed additional amounts would be based on 10 percent of the lot size that is greater than 7,500 sq. ft. The calculation of floor area square footage would include all living and storage space, including basements and garages, but would not include other structures such as unenclosed decks, balconies, porches, patios, or uninhabitable attics.



Rezoning the areas in the Los Trancos Woods district currently zoned R-1/S-8 and R-1/S-10 to R-1/S-83 and R-1/S-108, respectively. Currently, one portion of Los Trancos Woods is zoned R-1/S-8, and one portion is zoned R-1/S-10. Each of these portions will be rezoned in its entirety.



The proposed project addresses Los Trancos Woods community concerns about potential expansion in house sizes in their area. While the Los Trancos Woods area has maximum lot coverage and maximum height restrictions, there are currently no direct zoning limits on overall home sizes. However, Los Trancos Woods has, to date, been served only by individual on-site septic systems, which have placed de facto limitations on feasible home sizes. The West Bay Sanitary District is now in the process of extending sewage service to the area, raising concern with many residents that this upgraded service will allow unfettered expansion of home sizes, negatively impacting the existing character of the community.


The project proposes two new zoning districts, R-1/S-83 and R-1/S-108, which are identical to the existing R-1/S-8 and R-1/S-10 districts in the Los Trancos Woods area, with the exception of a new maximum floor area limit of 3,200 sq. ft., plus an additional amount of square footage equal to 10 percent of the lot size exceeding 7,500 sq. ft. The project was initiated at the request of the Los Trancos Woods Community Association, and the Planning Department engaged in community outreach to ensure that there was significant support for home size limits, and for a floor area limit as an appropriate mechanism to implement home size controls. It was apparent from community feedback that there is support both for size limits in general, and for the proposed mechanism specifically.


The proposed project is categorically exempt from CEQA, and is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan, as described in the staff report.


The Planning Commission recommended approval of this project at its August 8, 2007 public hearing.



The proposed project would have no direct fiscal impact on the County. It is possible that the proposed changes would alter the size and/or frequency of home demolition and construction in the area, potentially impacting future property tax revenues.