COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Inter-Departmental Correspondence | ||
September 17, 2007 | |
October 2, 2007 | |
500-foot Notice | |
Majority | |
TO: |
Honorable Board of Supervisors | |
Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development | |
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of (1) the California Coastal Commission’s requested modifications to: (a) correct the previously submitted General Plan (GP) Land Use Designation/Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendment from “General Commercial (Coastside)” to “Commercial Recreation (Coastside)”; and (b) amend the LCP by adding the site-specific policy “1.34 – Development of APNs 048-013-150, -160, and -770 (Miramar Beach Restaurant Property” applying traffic analysis/mitigation and water quality standards to all new development on the Miramar Beach Restaurant property; and (2) a Rezoning from R-1/S-94/DR (Single-Family Residential/10,000 sq. ft. minimum parcel size/Design Review) to P/DR (Parking/Design Review), affecting parcels to be developed with a parking lot associated with the previously patio addition to the Miramar Beach Restaurant, located at 131 Mirada Road in the unincorporated Miramar area of San Mateo County. | |
Approve by resolution the modifications recommended by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) and approve by ordinance the rezoning, and direct staff to transmit these amendments back to the CCC for final certification. | ||
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government. | ||
Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain. The project addresses the need for visitor-serving facilities on the Coast and enhances the economic vitality of the Midcoast area. | ||
On March 7, 2006, the Board of Supervisors approved all elements of this project (including the associated Use Permit amendment, CDP and Off-Street Parking Exception), pending certification by the CCC of the GP Land Use Designation/LCP and Zoning amendments associated with the project. | ||
On May 9, 2007, the CCC considered but did not certify the GP Land Use Designation/LCP and Zoning amendments. Instead, it indicated that it would only certify the amendments if the County Board of Supervisors agreed to adopt two changes to the project: (1) modify the proposed GP Land Use Designation from the erroneously referenced “General Commercial (Coastside)” to the corrected designation of “Commercial Recreation (Coastside)”; and (2) adopt a new site-specific LCP Policy 1.34 which would mandate that the current and future development on the restaurant property shall require a traffic analysis with traffic and beach access mitigation measures and stormwater runoff mitigation measures. Upon the Board’s approval of these modifications, they will be transmitted back to the CCC for its formal certification. | ||
The project and its associated permits have not changed. The proposed site-specific LCP Policy 1.34 is unique in its application, but not without precedent in the LCP. After the CCC’s certification, the project’s associated CDP will be reconsidered, against the newly modified LCP, at a future and separate public hearing by the Zoning Hearing Officer. | ||
Upon completion, due to the restaurant enlargement, the assessed property tax revenue on the project parcels would increase. | ||