Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Health Department
September 20, 2007
October 2, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Charlene A. Silva, Director of Health
Gale Bataille, Interim Director, Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
Amendments to the FY 2006-07 Fee For Service Agreements with 13 Providers of Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act/Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act Offender Treatment Program/ Proposition 36 Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services and SB223 Drug Testing Services
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute Amendments to the Fee For Service Agreements with 13 Providers: 1) Asian American Recovery Services, 2) BAART Behavioral Health Services, Inc., 3) Daytop Village, Inc., 4) El Centro de Libertad, 5) Free at Last, 6) Project Ninety, Inc., 7) Pyramid Alternatives, 8) Service League of San Mateo County, 9) Sitike Counseling Center, 10) The Latino Commission, 11) Walden House, Inc., 12) Women’s Recovery Association, and 13) Youth and Family Enrichment Services for the provision of Substance Abuse Crime Prevention Act (SACPA)/SACPA Offender Treatment Program (OTP)/Proposition 36 Alcohol and Drug Treatment services and SB223 Drug Testing services, increasing the aggregate maximum payment amount for all providers by $525,983 for FY 2007-08, for a new total of $2,974,524, for all providers except BAART Behavioral Health Services, Inc. which is $2,733,613, with no change to the term July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007.
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal 8: Help vulnerable people—the aged, disabled, mentally ill, at-risk youth and others—achieve a better quality of life.
The Fee For Service Agreements contribute to this commitment and goal by providing individuals and families in San Mateo County with the skills and knowledge necessary to live alcohol and drug free lives.
Performance Measures:
FY 2005-06 Actual
FY 2007-08 Projected
Number of clients entering treatment (all modalities except methadone services)
- Number of times clients enter treatment
- Unduplicated individuals served
Percentage of clients who successfully complete alcohol and drug treatment services*
*This is a revised measure from previous years. Previous language was: percentage of clients receiving alcohol and drug treatment services with a successful treatment outcome.
These 13 Agreements provide an array of alcohol and drug treatment services including, but not limited to: substance abuse education and early intervention, treatment readiness, outpatient treatment, nonresidential treatment, residential treatment, aftercare, linkages to other resources, recovery support, and methadone detoxification and maintenance service. The contracts include Fee-For-Service payment provisions. Referrals to these providers for such services are made by a variety of sources, including the Adult Courts, Adult Probation, and Alcohol and Other Drug Assessors.
On August 15, 2006, your Board, under Resolution 068220, approved the Fee For Service Agreements with the 13 aforementioned providers for a term ending June 30, 2007. On June 5, 2007, your Board, under Resolution 068771, approved an Amendment to these Agreements to extend the term to December 31, 2007 and to add funding for SACPA and SB223.
These 13 Agreements are being amended to add $525,983 in additional State Alcohol and Drug Programs SACPA OTP (Proposition 36) funding for FY 2007-08. The maximum Aggregate amount for all 13 providers except BAART Behavioral Health Services, Inc., which incorporates SB223 drug testing services under the SACPA/SACPA OTP funding, will be $2,974,524. BAART Behavioral Health Services, Inc., maximum aggregate amount, as stipulated in the Agreement is $2,733,613.
The Contractors have assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits. These Amendments have been reviewed and approved as to form by the County Counsel’s office, and Risk Management has approved the Contractors’ Insurance coverage.
The term of these Fee For Service Agreements remains July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007. The total funding obligation for these 13 Agreements is increased by $525,983 for FY 2007-08, for a new total obligation of $2,974,524, which is funded by SACPA/SACPA OTP in the amount of $2,681,015 and SACPA SB 223 Drug Testing in the amount of $240,911. Funding for these Agreements has been included in the Adopted FY 2007-08 Budget. There is also $52,598 Net County Cost, which is the County match requirement for the SACPA OTP.