Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
September 18, 2007
October 2, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
James Porter, Director of Public Works
Agreement for a Comprehensive Facilities Evaluation for County–Owned Facilities, Including Parks
Adopt a resolution
Waiving the Request for Proposal process, and
Authorizing the President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an agreement with Applied Management Engineering, Inc. (AME) in an amount not to exceed $232,972 for a term of five (5) months to complete a Comprehensive Facilities Evaluation for County Owned Facilities, including Parks.
Commitments: “Responsive, Effective and Collaborative Government.”
Goal 7: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief of immediate gain.”
Survey results will be loaded into the Facilities Condition Information System and give staff the ability to project future funding requirement to maintain facilities in an acceptable and serviceable condition.
AME completed a comprehensive facilities evaluation of the bulk of County facilities in April of 2007. Staff desires to expand the database to incorporate the new Youth Services Center, all Parks facilities, the San Mateo County Medical Center, and two California Department of Forestry) (CDF) stations to the new database. This will complete the assessment of all County-owned buildings.
Staff utilized AME’s software system, the Facility Condition Information System (FCIS), as a source database for identifying deferred maintenance, major maintenance and component renewal, for inclusion in the 2007/2008 Capital Project Program. During this process staff found the FCIS system to be a powerful tool that will support long range planning and budgeting. Therefore, staff desires to expand the database by incorporating the remaining County facilities not yet evaluated, including the new Youth Services Center (YSC), the San Mateo County Medical Center, two County fire stations, and all County park facilities.
These facilities were not included in the original scope for the following reasons:
The YSC was not complete at the time the initial contract was prepared. Incorporation of the YSC into the system involves data entry only as the physical inspection will not be necessary for this new facility.
Initially, staff elected not to include the County Medical Center due to unfamiliarity with the new system and how it might represent the facility condition to the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) and the California Department of Health Services (DHS) inspectors. Having had the opportunity to review actual data, staff is confident that the system will communicate an accurate assessment of the facility condition without becoming an administrative burden.
The two CDF stations were inadvertently omitted from the initial request for proposals.
Following a demonstration of the FCIS system, the Department of Parks and Recreation determined it would greatly facilitate the management of maintenance and repair of their facilities.
AME recently completed the assessment of the bulk of county facilities. The data from that survey currently resides in AME’s proprietary software, FCIS. Staff utilized this system to develop the FY 07/08 capital project request and found it user friendly and highly functional. Because FCIS is proprietary, any other consultant would not be able to build on the existing database and would therefore have to resurvey all previously assessed facilities leading to substantial increase in cost. Therefore, staff concluded that it is in the best interests of the County to waive the Request for Proposal process and go directly to contract with AME.
A resolution has been approved as to form by County Counsel.
The Board approved $153,538 in the FY07/08 Capital Project Budget and an additional $80,000 has been requested in a September Revision to this budget which will be considered by the Board on September 25, 2007. At the time of this request, staff had not yet negotiated a final cost with the consultant. The $233,538 budgeted is adequate to fund the $232,972 negotiated agreement amount.
There is no impact to the general fund.