Inter-Departmental Correspondence





October 5, 2007


October 16, 2007







Honorable Board of Supervisors



Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of adoption of a resolution in support of the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) of San Mateo County’s 2007 proposed final 2007 Regional Housing Needs Allocation for the San Mateo County Subregion.



Adopt a resolution acknowledging San Mateo County’s participation in the San Mateo County Regional Housing Needs Allocation Subregion, and expressing support for the C/CAG’s proposed final 2007 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the Subregion.



Commitment: Offer a full range of housing choices.


Goal 9: Housing should exist for all income levels and for all generations of families.


The RHNA process, mandated by State law and part of the required 2009 Housing Element update, allocates shares of housing need to jurisdictions in the County by type and cost of housing. The RHNA numbers guide planning and housing development efforts throughout the County. The process helps provide affordable, appropriate housing for households of all income levels within and outside of unincorporated County territory.



The 20 cities of San Mateo County and the County of San Mateo are members of a Countywide “Subregion,” an ad hoc joint powers authority formed specifically to locally administer ABAG’s RHNA process. The Subregion was approved by ABAG in September 2006. C/CAG has been selected to represent the Subregion.



The Final Methodology for Determining Housing Needs Shares was submitted to ABAG on March 27, 2007, and a proposed Draft Allocation of Housing Shares for the jurisdictions in the San Mateo County Subregion was developed. The proposed allocation was reviewed by the RHNA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and by the RHNA Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). At the TAC and PAC meetings, staff presented a preview of possible adjustments based on discussions with member jurisdictions. Both committees unanimously approved the proposal; it was formally adopted as the Draft Allocation and submitted to ABAG on June 21, 2007.


The adopted methodology included an opportunity for the cities and the County to negotiate additional trades between willing partners. To date, no additional trades have been identified. A trade between the City of Redwood City and Woodside is still pending. The Subregion should preserve the option for trades between any agencies up through March 31, 2008 when ABAG formally adopts the Subregional Allocation for San Mateo County.


The San Mateo County Subregion adopted the Proposed Final Allocation of Housing Shares for the jurisdictions in the San Mateo County Subregion. The proposed Final Allocation was reviewed by the RHNA TAC on August 23, 2007 and by the RHNA PAC on August 30, 2007. Both committees unanimously approved the proposal. It was submitted to ABAG on August 31, 2007. An informational update on the RHNA Subregional Allocation process was also provided to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Housing, Health and Human Services Committee at the Committee’s September 11, 2007 meeting, by Duane Bay, Director of the County Housing Department.


By adoption of the RHNA, the Subregion opens an appeal period that shall run through October 30, 2007, during which period any member jurisdiction may appeal the proposed Final Allocation. In November, the Subregion will adopt the Final Allocation, including a provision that the Subregion consents a priori to any subsequent zero-sum trades between consenting jurisdictions. The Subregion requests that the option for trades between any agencies be allowed up through March 31, 2008 when ABAG formally adopts the Subregional Allocation for San Mateo County.



The proposed project would have no direct fiscal impact on the County.