Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Health Department



October 19, 2007


October 30, 2007







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Charlene A. Silva, Director, Health Department

Mary Hansell, Director, Family Health Services Division


Agreement with Institute for Human and Social Development (Head Start) to provide Food and Nutrition Services



Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution of an Agreement with the Institute for Human and Social Development for the County to provide food and nutrition services for the term of September 5, 2007 through September 4, 2008, in the amount of $836,059.



Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.

Goal 5: Residents have access to health care and preventive care.


This Agreement contributes to this commitment and goal by providing healthy meals to children in Head Start programs in order to improve their overall health and reduce the risk of chronic disease.


Performance Measures:


FY 2006-07

FY 2007-08

Percentage of children eating more fruits and vegetables because of the program



Percentage of children eating healthier as a result of the program





The Institute for Human and Social Development (IHSD) is a nonprofit organization that provides child development services for children from birth through five years throughout San Mateo County. The Institute offers early education and development services and strives to establish a foundation for children and families to achieve their fullest potential and effectively contribute to a changing society. A specific program offered by the IHSD is Head Start, a federally-funded program that provides development and educational programs as well as support services for children ages three to five and their families. Children who participate in this program are served meals and snacks throughout the day. Food and Nutrition Services has been providing meals to Head Start sites for several years.


The prevalence of overweight low-income children in San Mateo County is high compared to the rest of the State. According to the Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System Overweight Data for 2004, 46% of low-income children in this County are overweight or obese. The County Blueprint for Prevention of Childhood Obesity Task Force is actively working to reduce this percentage.



This Agreement with the IHSD will allow the County to provide healthy and culturally appropriate breakfasts, lunches and snacks to approximately 500 low-income children at 19 Head Start sites five days a week. For many of the children, these may be their main meals of the day. Children at Head Start sites are served meals without excess fat, sodium and sugar and include whole grains, beans and fresh fruits and vegetables which exceed federal nutritional requirements. Children receive a variety of ethnic meals designed to reflect the diverse populations of San Mateo County. The program has become a model among pre-school and child care providers in the County due to its nutritional content and variety. Parents have commented on customer surveys, “Our children get really good food here,” and Head Start teachers note that students try foods they might not have been willing to eat in the past. With an emphasis on healthy foods, the program encompasses the spirit of the County’s Blueprint for Prevention of Childhood Obesity. There was a slight delay in processing this document as Head Start conducted a Request For Proposals process and provided the contract documents in September. County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Agreement.



The term of the Agreement is from September 5, 2007 through September 4, 2008. The total dollar amount of the Agreement is $836,059, which equates to serving approximately 114,696 breakfasts at a rate of $1.82 per breakfast, 164,997 lunches at $3.15 per lunch and 115,668 snacks at $0.93 per snack. Rates were increased approximately 14% since the last fiscal year to cover increasing labor and food costs. Total amount paid by contractor will depend on the actual number of meals and snacks served. Revenue and expenditures related to this Agreement have been included in the Family Health Adopted FY 2007-08 Budget and the Recommended FY 2008-09 Budget. There is no Net County Cost.