Inter-Departmental Correspondence
December 3, 2007
December 18, 2007
10 days, within 300 feet
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of amendments to an existing Coastal Development and Resource Management District-Coastal Zone Permits, pursuant to Sections 6328.4 and 6903 of the County Zoning Regulations; modification of a Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan, pursuant to Section 7703 of the County Ordinance Code; and certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, to allow the minor expansion of Pilarcitos Quarry, located at 11700 San Mateo Road (Highway 92), in the unincorporated Half Moon Bay area of San Mateo County. This project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. (Appeal from decision of the Planning Commission to approve the project.)
Deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission’s decision to amend the Coastal Development Permit, Resource Management District-Coastal Zone Permit, Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan and certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Commitment: The proposed project keeps the commitment of “Responsive, Effective, and Collaborative Government.” The Planning Commission, in making its decision, found that the proposed project allows the property owner to more fully utilize the property in a manner that does not significantly impact neighboring property. By upholding the Planning Commission’s decision, the Board would be reinforcing this commitment.
Goal: The proposed project achieves Goal number 20: “Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.” In reaching its decision on this project, the Planning Commission considered the staff report and found the project complies with the County’s Zoning Regulations and Local Coastal Program. The Planning Commission determined that this project would have minimal impacts upon surrounding parcels and that such impacts could be mitigated through the conditions of approval, which have been carried over to this report.
The applicant is proposing to modify the existing permits to mine the area known as the Pilarcitos Quarry. The modification will allow expansion of mining operations onto a 9.2-acre area adjacent and north of the existing mining operations. Current quarry operations involve surface mining of weathered, fractured granite and the production of gravel and sand. No expansion of the processing area or additional equipment is proposed. The applicant is not requesting an increase in the number of truck trips currently allowed under the existing permits. The applicant is proposing this expansion because the usable material within the existing area of operations is reaching the point of depletion.
Planning Commission Action: On September 26, 2007, the Planning Commission approved the proposed Reclamation Plan amendment on a vote of 3-0 (two commissioners were absent).
The Planning Commission determined that the project, as conditioned, complies with the County’s Surface Mining Ordinance, Local Coastal Program and applicable zoning regulations. The Planning Commission and staff have reviewed the project and found that the potential impacts generated by this project will not be significant provided all conditions of approval are implemented as required. The conditions of approval for this project have been carefully worded with the in-depth assistance of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) provided early comments on the proposal and modifications were made, and conditions added, which address that agency’s concerns. The appellant has raised several issues that were previously addressed in staff reports to the Planning Commission or at the public hearing. These include piecemealing of the project (previously addressed by Mary Raftery, Deputy County Counsel in the June 14, 2006 Planning Commission staff report), permitting timelines for USFWS and CDFG (clarified at the September 26, 2007 Planning Commission hearing), and adoption of mitigation measures to be identified in a future study (previously addressed in the September 26, 2007 staff report). These issues are addressed in detail under Section B of the attached staff report. Additionally, comments submitted by the Coastal Commission on September 25, 2007 are addressed in Section B.
If the project is approved and mining continues on the project site, the assessed tax revenue on the subject parcels will increase.