Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Health Department
December 10, 2007
December 18, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Charlene A. Silva, Director, Health Department
Brian J. Zamora, Director, Public Health & Environmental Protection Division
Agreement for Animal Licensing Services with PetData, Inc.
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an Agreement with PetData, Inc. to provide animal licensing services for the term of January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010, for a maximum obligation of $480,000.
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the public safety for all residents and visitors.
Performance Measure:
FY 2006-07
FY 2007-08
Number of animal licenses issued
*Anticipate an increase in animal licensing as a result of using this contract.
The processing of animal licenses in San Mateo County has been handled by three County employees at an annual shared cost to the cities and County of approximately $344,554. In July 2007 Public Health & Environmental Protection Division released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for animal licensing services. A team comprised of representatives from the City of Foster City, an animal control manager from the City of Palo Alto, two former County Animal Licensing Managers, and a Public Health Financial Services Manager participated in the RFP selection process to choose a contractor that would increase the County’s efforts to afford greater community participation in animal licensing at a lower cost to the County. Of the two proposals received, PetData, Inc. was selected to provide these services.
PetData, Inc., a Texas-based company, currently contracts with over 29 cities and counties throughout the country, such as Oakland, CA; Riverside, CA; Solano County, CA; Fulton County, GA; Charlotte, NC; and Philadelphia, PA. PetData, Inc. will offer faster licensing turnaround time, use vaccination data in an effort to locate previously unlicensed animals, develop methods to increase veterinarian participation, and participate in community outreach and education, all with the goal of increasing animal licensing compliance in our County. PetData, Inc. will offer a dedicated San Mateo County customer service hotline for the public and an option to pay for a license online.
The Animal Licensing Program is fully funded by revenues collected through animal licensing. The total cost for the program for FY 2006-07 was $344,554. PetData, Inc.’s fees charged to the County for the same period of time would have been $160,000-$170,000, a cost savings of approximately $150,000. Savings generated will decrease the amount the 20 cities and the County contribute to the Animal Control Program. Current Animal Licensing employees and positions will be retained and transferred to other divisions within the Health Department.
The term of the Agreement is January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010. The Agreement has been reviewed by County Counsel, Risk Management, and Information Services. The contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits.
The term of this Agreement is January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010, with a total maximum amount of $480,000. PetData, Inc. will be paid a set fee for each licensing transaction processed. Revenues from the Animal Licensing Program cover the cost of this Agreement. It is estimated this Agreement will result in approximately $150,000 in decreased costs which will be used to partially offset Animal Control Program costs. Costs associated with this Agreement are included in the Public Health FY 2007-08 Adopted Budget. There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agreement.