Inter-Departmental Correspondence
San Mateo Medical Center
November 26, 2007
December 18, 2007
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Sang-ick Chang, MD, Chief Executive Officer
San Mateo Medical Center
Authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the purchase of a small wheelchair accessible bus to expand the current transportation system at San Mateo Medical Center in the amount of $111,000 for a term of June 30, 2007 to June 30, 2010
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all and responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goals 5 and 20): Residents have access to healthcare and preventive care and Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.
Performance Measure(s):
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Number of patients who will benefit from the project
Number of van rides available each year
The project will provide transportation for 300 low income, older or disabled adults and 4,000 one-way van rides each year of the three-year program.
The County of San Mateo, through the San Mateo Medical Center’s Ron Robinson Senior Care Center, responded to the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) Lifeline Transportation Program Call for Projects with a request for a wheelchair accessible, small bus, for transporting older adults from their homes to the San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC) for medical and dental appointments and for transporting older adults to and from the Pacific School of Dentistry and associated clinics from SMMC for dental care.
On July 10, 2007, the Board approved Resolution No. 068869 attesting to the ability of the County to deliver the proposed project for which funds were requested from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission; the absence of any legal impediment to the County making the funding request; the ability of the County meet project delivery and obligation deadlines and the ability of the County to provide for the required local matching funds and meet all the conditions set forth in the MTC’s Resolution No. 3726.
The project requested funding to expand overall access to the medical and dental services provided to patients of SMMC. This will be accomplished through the addition of a small size wheelchair accessible bus. Staff will also be hired to drive the van.
In order to finalize and confirm the County’s eligibility to request and receive the funds from MTC, the MTC requested a Resolution from the Board attesting to eligibility for the project to request these funds and to meet project delivery and obligation deadlines set for in MTC’s Resolution No. 3726.
The MTC has now submitted a funding agreement for the Lifetime Transportation Program Funds. The scope of work of the agreement calls for the purchase of a small wheelchair accessible bus for both transporting low-income older adults from their homes to SMMC for medical and dental appointments and for transporting low-income older adults to and from the Pacific School of Dentistry and associated clinics from SMMC for dental care. The service will also be open to the general public.
The total cost of the program is $222,000 over a three-year period, June 30, 2007 to June 30, 2010. The total amount requested from the Lifeline Program is $111,000. The remaining costs will be covered by SMMC’s operating budget
The award will fund the costs of this program for three years. After this period, the costs will be absorbed by the increased revenues from additional seniors coming to the Ron Robinson Senior Care Center as a result of its expansion. Most Ron Robinson Senior Care Center patients are covered by Medicare. There is no net county cost.