Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Health Department
February 15, 2008
February 26, 2008
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Charlene A. Silva, Director of Health
Louise Rogers, Director, Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
Agreement with Pyramid Alternatives
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an Agreement with Pyramid Alternatives for the provision of mental health services for the term February 15, 2008 through June 30, 2010, for a maximum obligation of $150,000.
Commitment: Ensure basic health and safety for all.
Goal 8: Help vulnerable people—the aged, disabled, mentally ill, at risk youth and others—achieve a better quality of life.
This Agreement contributes to this commitment and goal by providing outpatient mental health services to San Mateo County residents and specifically to those with co-occurring illnesses.
Performance Measure:
FY 2006-07 Actual
FY 2007-08 Projected
Percentage of clients who rate services as good or better.
Percentage of clients who achieve one treatment goal on their service plans.
* There were no services provided in FY 2006-07
Pyramid Alternatives (PA) has a thirty-year history of providing mental health and substance abuse treatment in San Mateo County. Through a range of established programs, PA has demonstrated a commitment to providing intermittent or short term interventions to diverse and multicultural adults, children and youth, many of whom have co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues. The strength-based services PA offers will give the County the ability to better support and advance client recovery from alcohol and other drug abuse.
A review of the services available through the Private Provider Network for the Mental Health Plan (MHP) identified the need for providers who were skilled working with co-occurring illnesses. In May of 2007 Mental Health Services issued a Request for Proposals for outpatient mental health services authorized through the MHP, including services for clients with co-occurring illnesses. Pyramid Alternatives responded with a proposal that was accepted.
PA will become the only agency provider in the MHP Private Provider Network delivering mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring treatment. PA has the capacity to provide services in Spanish, a threshold language, and offers the ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams in an effort to coordinate treatment for co-occurring illnesses. Although some referrals will come from the County’s ACCESS Team, PA will also have the ability to generate additional referrals through their presence in local schools. Services will be provided throughout Northern San Mateo County and on the coast at four primary office locations in South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, and Half Moon Bay.
The Agreement has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel and Risk Management. The contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits.
The term of the Agreement is February 15, 2008 through June 30, 2010, for a maximum obligation of $150,000. Of the maximum amount, $15,000 will be funded through Medicare, $67,500 will be funded through Federal Medi-Cal, and $67,500 will be funded through State Medi-Cal funds. There is no Net County Cost. Funds for this Agreement are included in the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services FY 2007-08 Adopted Budget.
General Description of RFP
The provision of community outpatient mental health services delivered by organizations for our Mental Health Services Division. Services shall be provided for adults, children, youth and families who are San Mateo Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Healthy Kids and Health Plan of San Mateo CareAdvantage beneficiaries. A contract will be awarded specifically for mental health services provided within a primary care setting in East Palo Alto.
List key evaluation criteria
1. History and structure of proposer, 2. Philosophy/service model, 3. Staffing patterns and operations/cultural competency/facilities, 4. Quality/program evaluation, 5. Implementation plan/timeline, and 6. Budget
Where advertised
San Francisco Examiner, posted on county website
In addition to any advertisement, list others to whom RFP was sent
See attached list. Additionally sent RFP to the following interested parties: Community Counseling and Education Center, Fremont; Cleo Eulau Center, Palo Alto; Eastern European Service Agency, San Jose; Ravenswood Family Health Center, East Palo Alto; and A Better Way, Berkeley.
Total number sent to prospective proposers
Number of proposals received
Who evaluated the proposals
Evaluators were: Louise Rogers, Mental Health Services; Raja Mitry, Mental Health Board; Lynda Frattaroli, Mental Health Services; John Klyver, Mental Health Services; Cheryl Walker, Mental Health Services; Claudia Saggese, Family Liaison, Mental Health Services; Susann Reed, Mental Health Services
In alphabetical order, names of proposers (or finalists, if applicable) and location
Proposers: Catholic Charities CYO, San Mateo; Daly City Youth Health Services, Daly City; Edgewood Center for Youth and Families, San Francisco; Family and Children’s Services, Palo Alto; Jewish Family and Children’s Services, San Francisco; Pyramid Alternatives, Pacifica; Ravenswood Family Health Center, East Palo Alto; Seton Medical Center, Daly City; YMCA – Youth Services Bureau, San Mateo; and Youth and Family Enrichment Services, San Carlos.