C-CHIP rates are adjusted by MRMIB on an annual basis. After deducting the costs of the non-federally funded support services, the FY 2007-08 rate for San Mateo County was modified from $75.64 to $75.67 PMPM for a child one through eighteen years of age. This rate is effective June 29, 2007. In addition, this Amendment extends the current Agreement term one year to June 30, 2008, and increases the amount by $481,260. The Amendment also includes new administrative policies in Exhibits B and D of the Agreement. These new policies state that the Agreement is contingent upon the availability of federal funds and is subject to federal program restrictions enacted at any given time. Furthermore, modifications were made to better define the policies on the disclosure of program records. The Children’s Health Initiative (CHI) received this Amendment in December 2007. Therefore, this Amendment will not be executed as of its start date of June 29, 2007.
This Amendment and Resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel.
The maximum obligation for this Agreement is increased by $481,260, from $897,379, to a new maximum of $1,378,639. This Amendment also extends the original term from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2007, to July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008. CHI is funded by contributions from First 5 San Mateo County, Peninsula and Sequoia Healthcare Districts, the County’s Solid Waste Fund ($1.5 million) and the County’s General fund ($1.2 million). Approval of this Amendment has no Net County Cost impact.