Since 2004 the One-e-App (OeA) system has been used by Certified Application Assistants in San Mateo County to screen and help families apply for health coverage programs through the Children’s Health Initiative (CHI). In August 2007 your Board approved an Agreement with The Center to Promote HealthCare Access (The Center), to maintain OeA as the system used to screen uninsured adults and children for San Mateo County’s health coverage programs. These programs include: Medi-Cal (MC); Healthy Kids (HK); Healthy Families (HF); Wellness, Enrollment, Linkage, and Low–Cost (WELL); the San Mateo Access and Care for Everyone (ACE); Discounted Healthcare Program (DHC); and other publicly-funded health coverage programs, such as the Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (FPACT), Cancer Detection Program (CDP), and the Child Health, Disability, and Prevention (CHDP) programs.
Through this proposed Amendment, The Center will provide system enhancements and maintenance of OeA. The Center will modify OeA’s system logic to include new: ACE, WELL, and DHC policies, eligibility requirements, and determination processes.
ACE is a new coverage expansion program in San Mateo County funded under the California Department of Health Services’ Health Care Coverage Initiative. Your Board approved a contract with the California Department of Health Services to implement ACE on February 12, 2008. In addition, your Board’s acceptance of the Preliminary Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) on Adult Health Care Coverage Expansion incorporated the initiation of ACE as a BRTF pilot.
This Amendment and Resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel, Risk Management, and ISD.
This Amendment increases the Agreement amount from $628,164 by $153,412, for a new maximum obligation of $781,576, with no change to the Agreement term, July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010. The total Agreement costs are shared by CHI ($294,389), Human Services Agency ($182,059), Non-Departmental Services ($200,116), and the ACE program budget, which is under the San Mateo Medical Center ($105,012). The Adopted FY 2007-08 Budget for CHI is $9.4 million, of which $83,093 is allocated to this Agreement. The remaining costs for this fiscal year have been included in FY 2007-08 Adopted Budgets of the Human Services Agency, Non-Departmental Services, and San Mateo Medical Center. Costs for subsequent years will be included in their respective budgets. The Net County Cost for this Amendment is $48,400.