Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Human Services Agency



February 19, 2008


February 26, 2008







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Beverly Beasley Johnson, J.D., Director, Human Services Agency

Clarisa Simon-Soriano, Director of Automation


Electronic Data Systems



Adopt a Resolution authorizing:


The purchase of replacement computer server equipment for the CalWORKs Information Network (CalWIN), pursuant to the September 12, 2000 Agreement with Electronic Data Systems, as amended, increasing the amount by $225,864 to $14,181,182, of which $10,164 is Net County Cost; and


The Director of the Human Services Agency, or the Director’s designee to execute the documents necessary to complete the purchase.



Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.

Goal 21: County employees understand, support and integrate the County vision and goals into their delivery of services.


The purchase contributes to this commitment and goal by providing replacement of computer server equipment to keep our CalWIN (CalWORKS Information Network) System operational so that San Mateo County can continue to provide vital services and resources, increase productivity and improve public service to those most in need.


Performance Measures*

FY 2006-07

FY 2007-10




System Availability**



Batch Processing***



*All performance standards or measures were established through the Welfare Client Data System (WCDS) Consortium.

**CalWIN shall be available for on-line functions ninety-nine point five percent (99.5%) of the time each month in each County, for the hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday.”

*** Batch Processing measures batch jobs that are stored during working hours as workers enter or change data and are executed during the evening or another agreed upon time when the computer is idle.



The CalWIN System was implemented in San Mateo County on October 3, 2005 and requires ongoing maintenance and operation services provided by EDS. Each of the 18 counties’ costs is based on their individual share of the consortia caseload, along with anticipated expenditures.


The computer server equipment in use for the CalWIN System is no longer supported by the manufacturer, and CalWIN has determined that they need replacement. Replacing this obsolete hardware will ensure that service continuity and reliability are maintained and that vendor support for the servers and the system will continue.


If San Mateo County does not agree to this change, it will absolve the vendor from their responsibilities of supporting the system and its components. The County will risk disruption of the CalWIN system service due to a failure of an obsolete server. Further, since the system and its components are managed by EDS, the County will not have the ability to restore service on its own.



This is to request approval to purchase replacement computer server equipment for San Mateo County, including shipping, installation, and taxes, for the operation of CalWIN. The County will then be reimbursed under CalWIN over a five-year amortization period.


The current Agreement with EDS, which was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 12, 2000, provides for this purchase under section 7.1, page 28 and Exhibit C, section C, pages 7-1 through 7-38. Attachment A is a copy of Approved Change Order Request No. 4507 for the replacement of the computer server equipment; Attachment B is CalWIN’s memo dated November 30, 2007; and Attachment C – San Mateo Local Hardware and Software - itemizes the costs.


The Contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits. County Counsel has reviewed and approved the documentation regarding this purchase as to form.



The County will purchase the equipment and will be reimbursed under CalWIN over a 5-year amortization period. There is sufficient appropriation in the Human Services Agency Adopted Budget for FY07-08. The Net County Cost is $10,164 which is also included in the Adopted FY07-08 Adopted Budget.