Inter-Departmental Correspondence
February 11, 2008
February 26, 2008
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Lisa Grote, Director of Community Development
Pillar Point Harbor Village Status Report
Accept the status report and attachments and extend the time limit within which the Pillar Point Harbor Village project must be completed from February 15, 2008 to April 15, 2008, to allow time for the last building of the project (the restaurant) to be constructed and its associated conditions of approval met.
Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government.
Goal 20: Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.
This last extension request ensures that the original intent of project approval is maintained through ongoing monitoring and reporting during the construction of the Pillar Point Harbor Village project. The project underwent full environmental review and all required Planning approvals were obtained. The project is designed to address the need for visitor-serving facilities on the Coast and to enhance the economic vitality of the Midcoast area.
Since this project’s initial status report in 2005, the Board of Supervisors has extended the time limit within which the Pillar Point Harbor Village project must be completed three times, with the last extension granted to allow completion of the project’s last structure – the restaurant, due primarily to the overall project’s late start (created by the project’s sewer permit issuance) and the nature of the project’s construction and availability of building materials.
What is central to this update is that the building permit for the restaurant cannot be completed by the February 15, 2008 deadline and requires additional time to complete due primarily to the severity and duration of the recent winter storms. By this report’s submittal, the restaurant exterior shell, second floor and roof elements are in place. In the event the request to extend the project’s completion deadline to April 15, 2008 is approved, the next status report will be presented to your Board on April 8, 2008.
Due to the timing of the developer’s formal request for the Development Agreement’s extension, staff’s assessment of that request and the preparation of this report were delayed. This prevented the report from being scheduled before the Board prior to the February 15 deadline. Given this status report is before the Board after that deadline, the developer has ceased all ongoing, remaining construction, which was associated with the restaurant structure. Construction activity will only commence upon the Board’s approval to extend the deadline as requested.
As noted in the last status report, all of the project’s conditions regarding public road and sidewalk improvements along Capistrano Road and at its intersection with Cabrillo Highway have been completed. The remaining conditions include final approvals relating to the overall project’s compliance with Fire, Building Inspection, Public Works and Planning requirements, which are all tied to the completion of the final building – the restaurant. The construction associated with the other four building permits has been completed, and all conditions related to those buildings have been met. As last granted by the Board in November, the hotel has officially opened for business, with tenant improvements soon to occur within the hotel’s interior retail mall. Additionally, all exterior lighting, parking area, landscaping and most hotel signage improvements have been completed, except for such improvements in the immediate area surrounding the restaurant structure presently under construction.
The total revenues associated with the building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits applied for to date is over $1,070,000. Additional revenues for future tenant improvements for businesses within the retail mall and the detached restaurant will be forthcoming. Additionally, the assessed tax revenue when the project is completed will increase significantly.
Compliance Status Table with all 1989 Conditions of Approval
Letter (February 4, 2008) from Point Pillar Project Developers, LLC