July 8, 2008


To Whom it May Concern:


Subject: Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grant Program Letter of Support


The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is writing in support of the joint City of Menlo Park, Town of Atherton, and San Mateo County’s proposed project to the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grant Application’s second funding cycle. Monies from this grant will be used to fund safe routes to school improvements such as in-road lighted crosswalks, speed feedback display signs, additional street lights, countdown pedestrian heads, and asphalt concrete pathways.


These funds will enable these three jurisdictions to promote safer walking and bicycling to children who attend the Laurel School as well as encourage more children to walk or bicycle to Laurel School instead of being driven.


In closing, the Board supports the efforts of these three jurisdictions to acquire these funds in order to continue to provide safe routes to school for our school children.

