Inter-Departmental Correspondence

County Managers Office
Information Services Department



July 14, 2008


August 5, 2008







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Information Management Planning Council (IMPC)

Reyna Farrales, Deputy County Manager

Chris Flatmoe, Chief Information Officer


Countywide Information Technology Strategic Plan



Accept the Countywide Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP).



Commitment: Responsive, effective and collaborative government

Goal(s) #20 : Government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain



The County has been operating for many years without a Countywide ITSP. During this time Countywide IT decisions were made primarily on a year-to-year basis rather than in support of a long-term vision. In addition, in the absence of a Countywide IT Steering Committee, many Countywide IT decisions were made by the Information Services Department (ISD) and the County Manager’s Office without a consistent opportunity for input from County departments


The Information Management Planning Council (IMPC), Exhibit A, was established in 2007 based on recommendations from the County Organizational Review, and one of its first tasks was to develop a Countywide ITSP. The IMPC developed a matrix based on twelve key business drivers to prioritize potential Countywide information technology initiatives. The result of the IT planning and priority-setting process was the identification of five (5) strategic IT initiatives and three (3) IT infrastructure initiatives the County should implement over the next four fiscal years.



This Countywide ITSP, Exhibit B, is the product of a collaborative effort of many individuals from across County government. As such, it represents common and shared priorities. The plan identifies specific IT strategic goals that are intended to advance the programs and services available to the residents of San Mateo County. This Countywide ITSP is not a substitute for departmental IT plans. Using a broader vantage point, it is meant to advance IT Countywide by (1) implementing IT applications that will benefit all County departments and (2) installing key Countywide IT infrastructure.


Executive Council, departmental IT representatives and the Board Finance and Operations Committee have reviewed and provided feedback on the ITSP. Over the next few months the IMPC will develop preliminary budgets for the IT projects recommended in the ITSP with the highest priority. These preliminary budgets will be reviewed by the IMPC and Executive Council.


While the Countywide ITSP provides a roadmap for IT planning purposes, the activity of IT strategic planning is ongoing and requires us to be flexible and adaptive as our IT needs may change from year to year. As we develop future iterations of this technology plan we will use Shared Vision 2025 as one source for future IT initiative recommendations. The IMPC will review and update the County ITSP annually and will share future iterations with Executive Council as well as your Board.



There is no net County cost to approve this Countywide ITSP. Funding for planned ITSP projects will be requested in future budgets. Funding for prioritized projects will come from one-time funding sources such as Excess ERAF and General Fund Reserves. IMPC will provide quarterly budget updates on the IT projects set forth in the Countywide ITSP using budget and performance reporting tools provided through ISD’s new Electronic Project Management Office (EPMO) application.