Inter-Departmental Correspondence

County Manager’s Office



September 10, 2008


September 16, 2008







Honorable Board of Supervisors


David Boesch, Assistant County Manager


Workforce and Succession Management Report and Recommendations



Accept the Workforce and Succession Management Report.



Commitment: Responsible, effective and collaborative government.

Goal(s): County employees understand, support and integrate the County vision and goals into their delivery of services and government decisions are based on careful consideration of future impact, rather than temporary relief or immediate gain.


This report contributes to the commitment and goals by proposing programs to address the County’s current and future workforce needs in order to ensure the continuity and success of County operations and service delivery to the community.



Over the past five years, 769 County employees have retired, taking an estimated 18,000 years of experience with them. The annual retirement rate has increased from 1.22% in 2002-03 to 3.12% in 2007-08. High retirement rates are expected to continue, driven by a labor market-wide retirement wave.


In 2005, the County undertook a review process with the goal of improving organizational effectiveness, considering in particular the management development opportunities resulting from key retirements. The Organizational Review report, approved by your Board in March 2006, included a number of recommendations related to succession planning and training. The Executive Council formed a Succession Planning Task Force, which established priorities and created a Succession Planning Implementation and Evaluation Committee to accomplish them. The work of this Committee and its sub-committees is transmitted to your Board in the attached report. It includes recommendations for several new programs that will require the inclusion of funding in the September Budget revision.



The attached Report describes the County’s mission to execute a systematic and multi-dimensional workforce management and succession strategy that promotes the County as an employer of choice, supports career growth and development of talent at all levels of the organization and optimizes organizational performance to ensure the continuity and success of County operations and service delivery to the community. The goals of the workforce and succession planning program are to: attract talent to the organization; ensure leadership is developed to meet existing and future challenges; provide a workplace culture that supports employee engagement and retention; optimize knowledge management; and improve individual and organizational effectiveness.


The report outlines a number of strategies to accomplish these goals, including both ongoing, successful County programs and new programs proposed by the Succession Planning Implementation and Evaluation Committee and endorsed by the Executive Council. These new programs are: Coordinated Countywide Internships; Employee Development Plan Roll Out; Multi-Media Training Tools; First Line Supervisors Academy; Core Competency Development; Management Talent Exchange; and Transition Planning (no additional funding required).



There is no fiscal impact at this time to accept the Workforce and Succession Management Report. Staff intends to propose an appropriation in January during the mid-year Budget review in order to address the County’s critical succession planning needs and begin implementation of the proposed new programs during the 2008-09 fiscal year.


As shown on page 14 of the report, the annual budget to implement the proposed programs is $346,500, including $15,000 in one-time expenses. This page in the report also includes a table showing the pro-rated costs in 2008-09 based on the scenario of having staff in place by January 2009. A revised timeline for implementation and pro-rated 2008-09 costs will be prepared and presented for your Board’s consideration as part of the mid-year Budget review.