Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Housing



March 11, 2009


March 31, 2009







Honorable Board of Supervisors (Sitting as the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority)


Duane Bay, Director, Department of Housing


Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo 2009-2010 Moving To Work Annual Plan and revised Administrative Plan language necessary to implement the Annual Plan



Adopt Resolution No. 2009-02 approving the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo 2009-2010 Moving To Work Annual Plan and revised Administrative Plan language necessary to implement the Annual Plan and authorizing the Director or designee of the Department of Housing to execute any documents required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to certify the Plan.



Commitment: Offering a full range of housing choices.

Goal(s): #9. Housing exists for people at all income levels and for all generations of families.



Moving to Work (MTW) is a demonstration program that offers participating housing authorities the opportunity to design and test innovative, locally designed housing and self-sufficiency strategies for low-income families by allowing exemptions from certain housing regulations. The Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM) is one of approximately 30 housing agencies nationwide that participates in this program. In April 2008, HACSM and HUD executed the Amended and Restated Moving to Work Agreement which extends the Moving to Work program status through the year 2018.

As part of its participation in Moving to Work, HUD requires housing authorities to submit an MTW Annual Plan by April 15, 2009. The Annual Plan process requires obtaining input from the public and approval from the Board of Commissioners and HUD.

The proposed MTW Annual Plan includes information related to existing and proposed initiatives. The corresponding revised Administrative Plan language is HACSM guidance which further details policy and processes relating to the initiatives.



The 2009-2010 MTW Annual Plan covers the period starting July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. It was completed in accordance with all HUD regulations and requirements, including that it be reviewed by the Resident Advisory Board (meeting held on March 2, 2009) and that all documents be made available to the public for review for a prescribed period of time prior to adoption by the governing board. A public meeting was advertised in local newspapers and held on March 3, 2009, to receive additional comments. The proposed Plan was posted on the internet for 45 days before the public meeting was held. No public comments were received, but it should be noted that extensive public input was received during the planning process which was overseen by a community-based Advisory Committee. Developments in this process were shared with the Board’s Housing, Health and Human Services (HHH) Committee in November 2008 and March 2009.

The 2009-2010 MTW Annual Plan includes the following initiatives:

    Institute a biennial re-certification schedule for elderly and/or disabled Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) households in place of the current annual process

    Simplify rental subsidy calculation processes

    Simplify third-party verification processes

    Institute a tiered-rent subsidy schedule based on annual adjusted income and voucher bedroom size

    Eliminate the 40% affordability cap on family share of rent at the time of initial lease-up

    Simplify unit inspection processes

    Simplify Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) escrow calculations

    Retain 100% of fraud recovery funds for local program use (up from current 50/50 split with HUD)

The Annual Plan is consistent with the County’s Consolidated Plan as required for certification to HUD

County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution as to form.



There is no Net County Cost associated with this action. All funds required to operate the program are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.