Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Human Services Agency



May 29, 2009


June 23, 2009







Honorable Board of Supervisors


Beverly Beasley Johnson, J.D., Director, Human Services Agency

Gary Beasley, Director, Children and Family Services


Amendment to the Agreement with Youth and Family Enrichment Services for the Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus)



Adopt a Resolution:


A. Waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process; and


B. Authorizing the President of the Board to execute an Amendment to the Agreement with Youth and Family Enrichment Services (YFES) to provide the Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus) to house emancipated foster youth, extending the term by one year to June 30, 2010, increasing the amount by $253,800 to $500,850, there is no Net County Cost.



Commitment: Offer a full range of housing choices.

Goal 9: Housing exists for people at all income levels and for all generations of families.


The Agreement contributes to this commitment and goal by providing safe and stable transitional housing to post emancipated foster youth.


Performance Measure(s):


FY 2008-09


FY 2009-10


Within 60 days of occupancy, percent of residents who will be

Productively engaged in education and/or employment.



After 12 months of completing the program, percent of participants will continue to live in a safe and stable living environment.





In October 2007, the County of San Mateo purchased a Triplex property for transitional housing to house former foster youth eligible for the Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP-Plus) Program. THP-Plus is administered by the California Department of Social Services and provides affordable housing and a wide range of supportive services, including job training, educational support, and counseling. The goal of the program is to reduce homelessness among former foster youth. YFES has been a State-approved

THP-Plus provider for years and has provided beds for former foster youth.


On June 25, 2009 by Resolution 069536 the County entered into Agreement with YFES to provide THP-Plus services for a total of eight (8) youth at the County’s Triplex facility and one (1) youth and the Daybreak Facility.



This Amendment will allow YFES to continue to provide THP-Plus services at the County’s Triplex facility to support former foster youth and prepare them for independent living. YFES will manage a total of nine (9) THP-Plus beds. Originally eight THP-Plus youth were served at this facility and there was a Residential Advisor position. The Residential Advisor position has been eliminated, allowing YFES to now serve nine THP-Plus youth at the Triplex facility. Services at the Daybreak facility, which housed one (1) youth, will be discontinued. New state THP-Plus regulations do not allow youth to be housed in communal living arrangements, so the Daybreak facility does not meet this requirement.


It is in the County’s best interest to waive the RFP process and continue to contract with YFES as they have the capacity to manage the THP-Plus program at the Triplex facility in a manner consistent with stringent state standards without a disruption in services. Another provider would need time to develop a curriculum and residential management program that satisfies the requirements set forth by state law and the John Burton Foundation. An RFP will be released in FY 2009-10 that will allow potential applicants time to develop a program that could be implemented immediately beginning FY 2010-11.


The Contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits. County Counsel has approved this Amendment as to form and Risk Management has approved the Contractor’s insurance.



The term of this Agreement is June 25, 2008 to June 30, 2010. The Agreement amount is increased by $ 253,800 for a total obligation of $500,850. The amended amount of $253,800 for FY 2009-10 will be funded at 100% from the THP-Plus State Allocation and there is no Net County Cost. Funds for this Amendment have been included in the FY 2009-10 Recommended Budget.