Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



November 25, 2009


December 15, 2009







Honorable Board of Supervisors


James C. Porter, Director of Public Works


Application for State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Transportation Enhancement (TE) Funding for Fiscal Year 2009-2010



Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to submit an application for State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program Funding to finance a revised Project scope to include the Installation of Colored Bike Lanes on Alameda de las Pulgas in the West Menlo Park and Sequoia Tract Areas.



On March 3, 2009, your Board adopted Resolution No. 069964 authorizing the Director of Public Works to submit an application up to $163,000 in STIP TE Program Funding to finance the Installation of Pedestrian Lighted Crosswalks, Pedestrian Traffic Countdown Signals, and a Sidewalk Improvement Project.


In May 2009, the Department of Public Works (Department) determined that it would be in the County’s best interest not to pursue the sidewalk improvement project as the improvement would potentially add additional stormwater runoff downstream of the project area, exacerbate existing drainage issues, and was not consistent with the adopted road standards in the area.


In October 2009, the Department submitted an application for potential grant funding from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), which included the Installation of Pedestrian Lighted Crosswalks and Pedestrian Traffic Countdown Signals that were originally part of the STIP TE Project scope.



The County is eligible to obtain an additional $37,000 in STIP TE Program Funding, which increases the available funding amount from $163,000 to $200,000. The revised Project scope for the STIP TE Program Funding involves installing colored bike lanes on Alameda de las Pulgas in the unincorporated West Menlo Park and Sequoia Tract areas. The project location maps are attached as Exhibit “A” to this report.


The STIP TE Program Funding can only be used for specific types of projects that must have a direct relationship by function, proximity or impact to the surface transportation system for either bicyclists or pedestrians. By coloring the existing bike lanes on Alameda de las Pulgas, this Project qualifies for this funding, as the bike lanes will be better delineated and the work may increase the comfort level of the bicyclists using these highly traveled facilities.


The Resolution is in a form required by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). The Department requests the Board authorize the Director of Public Works to execute and file an application for this project with MTC.


If the funding is approved by MTC, the Department will prepare plans and specifications for the work, which will be bid on a competitive basis.


County Counsel has approved the Resolution as to form.


Submitting an application for the STIP TE Program Funding will contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Livable Community by allowing the Department to better delineate the existing bike lanes to increase the awareness of the traveling public that bicyclists utilize the roadway for commuting or recreational activities.



The Project is proposed to be financed with STIP TE grant funds up to $200,000. We are proposing to initially finance construction of the project with Road Funds as Program Funds are received on a reimbursable basis. The Road Fund will be reimbursed once Program Funds are received. Local matching funds will only be required if Project construction costs are in excess of the STIP TE $200,000 grant amount.


There is no impact to the General Fund.



Exhibit “A”: Project Location Maps