IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives, have affixed their hands. | |
By: | |
Richard S. Gordon, President Board of Supervisors, San Mateo County | |
Date: | |
By: | |
Clerk of Said Board | |
Contractor’s Signature | |
Date: | |
Long Form Agreement/Non Business Associate v 8/19/08 |
In consideration of the payments set forth in Exhibit B, Contractor shall provide the following services: | ||
The County of San Mateo Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Program is contracting with Shelter Network to provide behavioral health care services including initial assessments and on-going case management services to 925 unique individuals who meet the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) criteria for homeless individuals. BPHC’s definition of an individual who is homeless includes a person residing in a homeless shelter, in transitional housing (rehabilitation programs, hotels, etc), and/or individuals living on the streets, in an abandoned building, or a car. This definition also including individuals who are at risk of being homeless or “Doubling Up” which includes those individuals who do not have a permanent address and are staying with extended families or friends for no more than six months. | ||
HCH is contracting with Shelter Network in order to increase the number of homeless individuals accessing primary care through the San Mateo County Health System (San Mateo Medical Center primary care clinics and the Public Health Mobile Clinic). 200 of these 925 homeless individuals will be truly unique to San Mateo Medical Center clinic system, defined as not having accessed healthcare services in calendar year 2009 at any of SMMC clinic sites. This contract includes Shelter Network sub-contracting with Samaritan House to provide services to 113 unique homeless individuals residing at its Safe Harbor Shelter. | ||
The behavioral health care services to be provided by Shelter Network will be implemented as measured by the following goals. | ||
GOAL A: Of the 925 homeless individuals, behavioral health screenings, initial assessments and on-going case management services will be provided to 415 homeless individuals residing at Maple Street Shelter or Safe Harbor Shelter in order to better access primary care through the San Mateo County Health System. A minimum of 302 individuals will receive these services from Shelter Network staff and a minimum of 113 individuals will receive these services from Samaritan House staff. Shelter Network and Samaritan House staff will provide a combined total of 1,660 on-going case management encounters to these 415 individuals. | ||
Each case management encounter must meet Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) criteria to be included in this count. Such criteria, as they may be amended from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. BPHC presently defines a case management encounter as: an encounter between a case management provider and a patient during which services are provided that assist patients in the management of their health and social needs, including patient needs assessments, the establishment of service plans, and the maintenance of referral, tracking, and follow-up systems. These must be face to face with the patient. Third party interactions on behalf of a patient are not counted in case management encounters. | ||
The following are the outcome measures for this goal: | ||
Outcome Measure #1: 75% (312) of the homeless individuals screened will access primary care (medical, dental, behavioral) at least once during the contract year through the San Mateo County Health System or on the mobile dental van. | ||
Outcome Measure #2: 75% of all scheduled appointments on the mobile dental van will be kept by individuals residing at Maple Street or Safe Harbor Shelters. | ||
GOAL B: Of the 925 homeless individuals, intensive and integrated case management services will be provided to 150 homeless individuals residing at Maple Street or Safe Harbor Shelter experiencing at least one chronic illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define chronic diseases as non-communicable illnesses that are prolonged in duration, do not resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely. Examples of chronic diseases include hypertension/high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. These case management services will be overseen by a Masters’ level trained staff member from Shelter Network and will aim to enable individuals to better access primary care through the San Mateo County Health System (San Mateo Medical Center primary care clinics and the Public Health Mobile Clinic). Shelter Network staff will provide a total of 600 on-going face-to-face case management visits to these 150 individuals. | ||
The following are the outcome measures for this goal: | ||
Outcome Measure #1: 75% (113) of these homeless individuals receiving intensive, integrated case management services will access and utilize primary medical care at least twice during the contract year through the San Mateo County Health System. | ||
Outcome Measure #2: 75% (113) of these homeless individuals receiving intensive, integrated case management services will reduce the number of visits to the San Mateo County Emergency Department during the contract year due to successful utilization of primary care services offered through the San Mateo County Health System. | ||
Goal C: Of the 925 homeless individuals, qualified Shelter Network staff will provide case management services to 360 homeless individuals not seen through the behavioral health effort mentioned in the previous goals. Staff will assist homeless individuals residing in encampments, on the streets, or who otherwise qualify as homeless (per the BPHC definition) in the management of their health and social needs, including assessments, establishment of service plans, and maintenance of referral, tracking, and follow-up systems to these 360 homeless individuals through at least 720 case management encounters during the contract term. Outreach, engagement, and case management will occur at 1) homeless encampments; b) where day laborers who qualify as homeless work or congregate, and; c) on the streets where homeless people live. | ||
The following are the outcome measures for this goal: | ||
Outcome Measure #1: 50% (180) of these unique street homeless individuals receiving case management services will successfully access and secure primary health care within the contract year. | ||
Outcome Measure #2: 75% (270) of these homeless individuals receiving case management services will reduce the number of visits to the San Mateo County Emergency Department during the contract year due to successful utilization of primary care services offered through the San Mateo County Health System. | ||
Outcome Measure #3: Develop a formal outreach plan targeting individuals who are homeless or at-risk of being homeless that increases their access to primary care, dental care, and behavioral health services. | ||
The following are the contracted reporting requirements that Shelter Network must fulfill: | ||
1. |
All demographic information will be obtained from each homeless individual receiving behavioral health care during the contract period. This data will be submitted electronically to the HCH Program with the monthly invoice. | |
2. |
A monthly invoice including the number of unduplicated individuals served in the previous month and the total encounters provided to all homeless individuals in this same time period will be submitted to the HCH Program by the 15th of the month following service. | |
3. |
Quarterly Reports providing an update on the contractual goal, objectives, and outcome measures should be submitted by the following dates: February 28, 2010; May 28, 2010; August 28, 2010; and November 28, 2010. | |
4. |
Participate and prepare for annual chart review as indicated by the HCH Program. | |
5. |
Participate in planning and quality assurance activities. | |
6. |
Participate in HCH Provider Meetings as scheduled. | |
7. |
Participate in community activities that address homeless issues (i.e., Homeless, One Day Count, Homeless Project Connect). | |
8. |
For mental health encounters, meaning an encounter between a licensed mental health provider (psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, certain other Masters degree-prepared mental health providers licensed by specific states, or an unlicensed mental health provider credentialed by the center) and a patient/client during which mental health services (i.e., services of a psychiatric, psychological, psychosocial, or crisis intervention) are offered, the related standards issued by the United States Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA standards) must be applied and complied with. Such standards, as they may be amended from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. | |
9. |
For a qualified substance abuse encounter, meaning an encounter between a substance abuse provider (e.g., a mental health provider or a credentialed substance abuse counselor, rehabilitation therapist, psychologist) and a patient during which alcohol or drug abuse services (i.e., assessment and diagnosis, treatment, aftercare) are provided, related HRSA standards must be applied and complied with. Such standards, as they may be amended from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. | |
10 |
For a qualified case management encounter, meaning an encounter between a case management provider and a patient during which services are provided that assist patients in the management of their health and social needs, including patient needs assessments, the establishment of service plans, and the maintenance of referral, tracking, and follow up systems, related HRSA standards must be applied and complied with. Such standards, as they may be amended from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. These encounters must be face to face with the patient. Third party interactions on behalf of a patient are not included in case management encounters. | |
The following are the contracted reporting requirements that the HCH Program must fulfill: | ||
1. |
Monitor the Shelter Network to assure it is meeting its contractual requirements with the HCH Program. | |
2. |
Review, process and monitor monthly invoices. | |
3. |
Identify those “truly unique” patients to San Mateo Medical Center clinic system from data submitted by Shelter Network on a monthly basis. This data shall be provided to Shelter Network within 10 days of submitting the monthly invoice. | |
4. |
Determine the utilization of San Mateo Medical Center Emergency Department by Shelter Network’s clients. This data shall be provided to Shelter Network within 30 days of submitting the monthly invoice. | |
5. |
Review quarterly reports to assure that goals and objectives are being met. | |
6. |
Provide technical assistance to Shelter Network on the HCH Program as needed. | |
In consideration of the services provided by Contractor in Exhibit A, County shall pay Contractor based on the following fee schedule: | |
A. |
County shall pay Contractor $239.00 for each new unique, non-duplicate patient served as described in Exhibit A that meets the homeless criteria set forth in Exhibit A between the time period of November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010. In no event, however, will Contractor be paid for services provided to more than 925 homeless individuals. |
B. |
Contractor will invoice the HCH Program by the 15th of month after rendered services with the number of homeless individuals and encounters for the previous month. Invoices will be approved by the Health Care for the Homeless Program Director. |
The term of this Agreement is November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010. Maximum payment for services provided under this Agreement will not exceed TWO HUNDRED TWENTY ONE THOUSAND SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($221,075). | |