Adopt a resolution authorizing the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder to execute:
A) An agreement with the California Secretary of State under the “Help America Vote Act of 2002” for reimbursements up to $155,012.20 for a term ending December 31, 2011; and
B) Amendments to the agreement and other documents as required by the HAVA program.
On November 10, 2010, the Board authorized the President of the Board to execute a lease agreement with DFM Associates, Inc., to provide a Voter Registration system, for a lease term from November 10, 2009 through December 31, 2014. The previous voter registration system was twelve (12) years old, the hardware had reached end of life, and the system did not have the ability to integrate with the new statewide voter registration database, VoteCal, expected to “go live” in 2011. All county voter registration systems must have the ability to integrate with VoteCal as this functionality is federally mandated. Adoption of this resolution will allow the County to seek and accept reimbursements from HAVA for the migration to the new voter registration system and associated costs.
Section 303 of The Help America Vote Act (Public Law 107-252, 107th Congress) requires each state to provide a single computerized database of voter registration list as the official voter roll for all federal and state elections. The Secretary of State established the VoteCal Voter Registration Database Project to meet this requirement with an anticipated implementation in mid-2011. To reduce technological, financial and scheduling risks to the project, the SOS will reimburse counties for their migration costs to a new voter registration system if all counties on a particular voter registration system agree to migrate to a system currently in use in California. Colusa County, Merced County, and San Mateo County, the only three counties that used a voter registration system by Election Systems and Software, have or will migrate to a different system currently in use in California, and therefore, will qualify for financial reimbursement from the state. Initially, an estimate of $85,000 in reimbursable expenses was reported; this has been revised higher based on actual labor hours and the approval of migration costs from the Secretary of State, the administrator of HAVA funds. The first year costs for system implementation, hardware, data migration, licenses and training is anticipated to cost $262,000, of that, the Secretary of State will reimburse $155,012.20.
County Counsel has reviewed the Board Memo and Resolution as to form.
Approval of this Resolution will contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of collaboration as leaders are forging a partnership, promoting a regional solution on behalf of informed and engaged residents and supporting the outcome of fiscal accountability and concern for future impacts.