Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Health System
March 17, 2010
March 23, 2010
Honorable Board of Supervisors
Jean S. Fraser, Chief, Health System
Louise Rogers, Director, Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
Second Amendment to the Agreement with Shelter Network
Adopt a Resolution:
1) Waiving the Request for Proposals requirement for Second Chance re-entry services; and
2) Authorizing the President of the Board to execute a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Shelter Network to incorporate a re-entry system to reduce recidivism among County jail inmates, increasing the maximum obligation by $84,000, for a new maximum of $209,000, and extending the term to January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011.
On June 16, 2009, your Board approved a First Amendment to the Agreement with Shelter Network increasing the funding maximum by $72,500, for a new maximum of $125,000 and extending the term through June 30, 2010. Services provided by Shelter Network have increased available treatment and improved outcomes for homeless Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act (SACPA) offenders.
Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AOD) submitted a proposal to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for the FY 2009 Second Chance Act Prisoner Re-entry Initiative Program. In October 2009 AOD was notified of a funding award for the San Mateo County Second Chance (SMCSC) Program. The goal of the SMCSC is to establish and continuously improve a re-entry system that reduces recidivism among County jail inmates at high risk for re-offending.
This Second Amendment incorporates funding for a Second Chance re-entry system to reduce recidivism among County jail inmates. Services include, but are not limited to, pre-release services, transition planning, re-entry assistance, services for families, women’s residential substance abuse treatment and transitional living, and men’s transitional housing.
A waiver of the Request For Proposals (RFP) requirement for the selection of a provider of re-entry case management/peer mentoring services is requested. Shelter Network is the Peninsula's principal provider of shelter and supportive housing for homeless families and individuals. Shelter Network is also unique in its provision of supportive services developed to assist clients to regain self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
This Amendment and Resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel. Risk Management has reviewed and approved the Amendment. The Contractor has assured compliance with the County's Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, as well as all other contract provisions that are required by County ordinance and administrative memoranda, including but not limited to insurance, hold harmless, non-discrimination and equal benefits.
The amended Agreement contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Healthy Community by implementing activities which reduce recidivism among County jail inmates at high risk of re-offending. It is anticipated that 70% of offenders receiving services through this amended Agreement will avoid re-incarceration.
Performance Measure:
FY 2008-09
Percentage of offenders receiving services who successfully re-enter society and avoid re-incarceration for six (6) months
*This is a new program measure. Baseline data will be collected in FY 2009-10.
The term of this amended Agreement is January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011. The maximum amount is increased by $84,000 for a new maximum of $209,000. For FY 2009-10, the increase is $42,000; of that amount $28,880 will be provided by the Re-entry Grant and $13,120 by County Match Funds. The Net County Cost is $13,120. These funds are included in the BHRS FY 2009-10 Adopted Budget. Similar provisions will take place during FY 2010-11.