Inter-Departmental Correspondence
Department of Public Works
February 23, 2010
March 23, 2010
Honorable Board of Supervisors
James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Emergency Declaration for the Slope Stabilization Improvements within the Landslide in the La Honda Area, San Mateo County –(Project No. R2E01 – F-36 [256])
Make a finding to continue the local emergency declaration for constructing slope stabilization within the landslide in the La Honda Area.
Public Works has been working with the La Honda community to implement slope stabilization improvements and road repair in response to the 2005 La Honda landslide. The improvements include reconstruction of lower Scenic Drive and stabilization work to support the roadway. The improvements are estimated to cost $6,122,500, of which the County has agreed to fund approximately $4,000,000, with the remainder to come from the community through an assessment district.
October 30, 2007: Resolution No. 069071 authorized Public Works to construct a french drain system on the failed hillsides adjacent to Scenic Drive, to proceed with preparation for slope stabilization improvements at the earliest opportunity during the next construction season, and work with the La Honda community to identify cooperative funding and other funding sources.
January 8, 2008: Resolution No. 069214 authorized an agreement with Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. for development of plans and specifications for slope stabilization in response to the Scenic Drive Landslide.
February 12, 2008: Resolution No. 069258 declared the intent to form an assessment district; Resolution No. 069259 approved the Engineer’s Report, set the public hearing date for the formation of the assessment district, and directed the Director of Public Works to send property owners within the proposed district a notice of the public hearing and a ballot to cast their vote.
March 25, 2008: Resolution No. 069319 approved an assessment payment assistance program to aid property owners with hardship conditions.
April 22, 2008: Resolution No. 069359 authorized the Director of Public Works to form the La Honda Landslide Assessment District, and levy the cost of constructing soil stability improvements and reconstructing lower Scenic Drive as a charge to properties within said District; Resolution No. 069360 found that an emergency exists that will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids, and that emergency repair work is necessary to respond to the emergency, and authorizing the execution of a construction contract with Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. for the final design/ construction of the improvements within the La Honda Landslide Assessment District without a competitive solicitation. After the weighted votes were received and tabulated, the levying of the assessments for the La Honda Landslide Assessment District was approved.
Public Contract Code sections 22035 and 22050 allow for emergency contracting procedures, including the award of contracts without a formal bidding process, upon a 4/5 vote of the Board. The Board is required to review the emergency action at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until the action is terminated, and to determine by a 4/5 vote whether there is a need to continue the action. The current circumstances indicate a need for continuing the local emergency.
Continued approval of this action contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Healthy Community by improving the stability of the area supporting lower Scenic Drive, which will provide a safer neighborhood for residents in the La Honda area.
The extension of the state of emergency has no impact on the General Fund.