Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Department of Public Works



June 17, 2010


June 29, 2010







Honorable Board of Supervisors


James C. Porter, Director of Public Works


Installation of Two Stop Signs in North Fair Oaks Area



Adopt a resolution authorizing the installation of two new stop signs that direct traffic on Fifth Avenue to stop at Fair Oaks Avenue, North Fair Oaks Area.



California Vehicle Code Section 21351 allows local authorities in their respective jurisdictions to install traffic signs as may be necessary to control traffic within an intersection.



North Fair Oaks residents have requested additional traffic control at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue. Currently, there are two stop signs at this intersection that direct traffic on Fair Oaks Avenue to stop and yield to traffic on Fifth Avenue. Since Fifth Avenue is a heavily traveled street, pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers on Fair Oaks Avenue often have a long wait before there is a break in traffic so they can safely cross. Department of Public Works staff investigated the request for additional traffic control and recommends new stop signs be installed on Fifth Avenue in order to make all traffic stop at this intersection.


Property owners on adjacent blocks extending a minimum of 300 feet from the proposed sign location were notified of the date and time of the Board’s meeting when these items will be considered. In addition, the North Fair Oaks Council was likewise notified. One property owner provided comments in support of the proposed stop signs, which are included in Attachment “A”.


The location of signs and parking zones on County maintained streets are shown on maps in the Department of Public Works, and will be made available in list form on the Department’s web site. The master lists will be updated to reflect the recommended changes if your Board approves the proposed resolution.


Approval of the new stop signs will contribute to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Livable Community by providing traffic controls that help regulate the traffic flow through neighborhoods in a way that best fits the needs of the community.


County Counsel has reviewed and approved the Resolution as to form.



The cost for staff time involved in evaluating and processing requests for traffic regulations is part of the administrative cost associated with evaluating traffic-related requests involving the County maintained road system, and is financed with Road Funds. The cost of placing two stop signs, legends and limit line markings is approximately $1,500. The cost of the signs and markings will be financed with Road Funds. There will be no impact to the General Fund.



Attachment “A” – Map of Proposed Traffic Control Device Locations and Public Input Summary