Inter-Departmental Correspondence

County Manager’s Office



October 8, 2010


October 19, 2010







Honorable Board of Supervisors



David S. Boesch, County Manager



Executive Summary: FY 2009-10 Year-End County Performance Report



Accept the FY 2009-10 Year-End Report on the Performance of County Programs.



Countywide implementation of Outcome-Based Management (OBM) began in 1999 during the Shared Vision 2010 community process. OBM is the management system that was implemented to track the performance of all County programs toward achieving the long-term commitments and goals identified through the Shared Vision process. OBM will continue to be used to align programs and services toward the five community outcomes of Shared Vision 2025:

    Healthy Community

    Prosperous Community

    Livable Community

    Environmentally Conscious Community

    Collaborative Community


Performance reports are prepared to communicate mid-year and year-end progress of programs toward achieving performance targets established during budget development.



Over the last few years, the County Manager’s Office has received feedback from the Board and departments on finding a better balance between summary and detail information and providing more trend information to show progress over the prior year and progress over the long-term. The FY 2009-10 Mid-Year Report, which was presented to your Board on April 13, 2010, reflected some preliminary steps in a long-term effort to provide a more integrated outcome-based management system that will focus on the most significant performance measures and results needed to achieve the County’s Shared Vision 2025.


The new format includes the following modifications:


    1. The report is presented at the County level and Community Outcome level.

    2. The report detail is at the Department level instead of the Program level.

    3. There are three summary measures. Two new summary measures have been added to track progress over the prior year and performance trends over five years.

    a. Percent of Quality and Outcome measures expected to meet performance targets by year-end.

    b. Will performance for most Quality and Outcome measures be the same or better than last year?

    c. Has there been progress for most Quality and Outcome measures over the last five years?


    4. The new format includes the addition of “Quick Check” trend indicators for each of the three summary measures.


Measures of Quality (How Well We Do It) reflect the quality and efficiency of our efforts:

    Staffing Ratios

    Unit Cost

    Timeliness, Processing Time

    Percent of Staff Trained or Certified

    Percent “overall” satisfaction rating of good or better


    Completion rates


Measures of Outcome (Is Anyone Better Off) reflect the effect of services on clients and customers:

    Percent of clients showing improvement in skills, attitude, behavior, circumstance

    Percent of customers surveyed indicating they got what they needed

    Percent healthier, safer, self-sufficient, more independent

    Repeat violations



County departments monitored 543 Quality and Outcome measures for this report cycle. Of the 543 measures, 73% met performance targets, 62% improved or maintained performance over the prior year and 79% show a favorable performance trend over the last five years.


This report back contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Collaborative Community by ensuring that residents are informed and engaged and that issues are approached with fiscal accountability and concern for future impacts.



There is no fiscal impact in accepting this report.