Inter-Departmental Correspondence

Planning and Building Department



November 29, 2010


December 14, 2010







Honorable Board of Supervisors



Jim Eggemeyer, Community Development Director



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Adoption of the 2010 California Building Standards Code and Amending San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII (Building Regulations).




Adopt an ordinance adopting the latest editions (2010) of the California Building Standards Code, Title 24, 2010 California Building Code (Part 2), 2010 California Residential Code, Title 24 (Part 2.5), 2010 California Electrical Code (Part 3), 2010 California Mechanical Code (Part 4), 2010 California Plumbing Code (Part 5), 2010 California Energy Code (Part 6), 2010 California Elevator Safety Construction Code (Part 7), 2010 California Historical Building Code (Part 8), 2010 California Fire Code (Part 9), 2010 California Existing Building Code (Part 10), 2010 California Green Building Standards Code (Part 11), 2010 California Reference Standards Code (Part 12) and re-adopting the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII (Building Regulations), and amending Sections 9100, 9150, 9180, 9200, 9104, 9113, 9114, 9117, 9184, 9015, 9041 and 9058, adding Sections 9118 and 9119, and amending the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII (Building Regulations) to reference the International Building Code and the International Residential Code.



Waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety, and continue the hearing until the second reading.



The Planning and Building Department proposes the adoption of the 2010 California Building Standards Code as required by State law, and corresponding amendments to the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII, Building Regulations, in addition to local amendments to the California Building Standards Code to address specific concerns within unincorporated San Mateo County.


State Code Requirements: The California Building Standards Code has now adopted the International Building Code, International Residential Code and International Fire Code Standards (IBC, IRC and IFC-2009). Building and Fire Codes are published and adopted by the State of California on 3-year cycles. The most recent adoption was the 2010 Edition of the California Building Standards Code, which is based on the new model codes of the International Building Code, International Residential Code and the International Fire Code, developed and published by the International Code Council (ICC).



Local jurisdictions are required to enforce building code regulations as adopted by the State. Counties or cities may choose to modify specific code sections, and are required to make specific findings based on topographical, geological, or climatic conditions, which exist within the jurisdiction, that necessitate the local amendments.


The Planning and Building Department is recommending the re-adoption of San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII, Building Regulations, in addition to local amendments to the California Building Standards Code, to address specific concerns within unincorporated San Mateo County. There are five major local amendments and the staff report includes the necessary information and discussion for the Board of Supervisors to make the required findings. These major amendments require facts and findings, and those findings are contained in the staff report for the following: (1) Floor Slab Reinforcement, Section 9104; (2) Class B or Better Roofing, Section 9113; (3) Fire Sprinkler Requirements, Section 9114; (4) Chapter 7A, Section 9117; and (5) existing prohibition on Plastic Pipe, Section 9184.


In addition to the five proposed major local amendments, nine minor administrative amendments are recommended, which do not require specific findings be made for local approval. These proposed amendments include: (1) adopting the California Building Standards Codes, Section 9100; (2) amending Violations and Penalties, Section 9015; (3) amending Investigation Fees, Section 9041; (4) amending the Final Inspection and Addressing, Section 9058; (5) adding California Residential Code, Section 9118; (6) adding California Green Building Standards Code, Section 9119; (7) adopting of the California Electrical Code, Section 9150; (8) adopting of the California Plumbing Code, Section 9180; and (9) adopting of the California Mechanical Code, Section 9200.


The adoption of the 2010 California Building Standards Code and amendment of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, Division VII, Building Regulations contributes to the 2025 Shared Vision outcome of a livable community by promoting buildings that are permitted and inspected under the most current code, thus protecting life and property.


