TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2011 | ||||
A copy of the Board of Supervisors’ agenda packet is available for review at the Law Library, 710 Hamilton Street @ Marshall Street, across from the Hall of Justice. The library is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Saturday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | ||||
Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Rebecca Romero, Agenda Administrator at least 2 working days before the meeting at (650) 363-1802 and/or Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. Attendees to this meeting are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. | ||||
If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a speaker’s slip located on the table near the door. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included in the official record, please hand it to the Clerk of the Board who will distribute the information to the Board members and staff. | ||||
1. |
9:00 a.m. |
If your subject is not on the agenda, or if you wish to speak on a consent or closed session agenda item, the President will recognize you at this time. Speakers are customarily limited to two minutes. A speaker’s slip is required. | ||||
2. |
All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. | ||||
3. |
The Board will adjourn to closed session to consider the following items at the end of the agenda, or at any time during the meeting as time permits. At the conclusion of closed session, the Board will reconvene in open session to report on any actions taken for which a report is required by law. | ||||
A) |
County Negotiations: OSS, CNA and SMCCE | |||
County Negotiator: Diana Doughtie | ||||
B) |
Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation | |||
Perry v. Brown | ||||
California Supreme Court Case No. S189476 | ||||
Ray Satorre et al v. Mark Church et al. | ||||
San Mateo County Superior Court Case No. 504866 | ||||
C) |
Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation | |||
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 | ||||
One case |
Times listed under this section are approximate. The Board makes every effort to adhere to the times listed, but in some cases, because of unexpected presentations, items may not be heard precisely at the time scheduled. In no case will any item be heard before the scheduled time. | |||||
4. |
9:00 a.m. |
Presentation of a proclamation designating April 2011 as Alcohol Awareness Month (Supervisor Don Horsley) | |||
5. |
9:00 a.m. |
Presentation of a proclamation by the Mayor of the City of San Bruno, Jim Ruane, thanking the County of San Mateo for their support and assistance after the San Bruno explosion and fire (Supervisor Carole Groom) | |||
6. |
9:00 a.m. |
Public hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of a Minor Subdivision, Use Permit, Grading Permit, Coastal Development Permit, Architectural Review Permit and Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the subdivision of a 12.4 acre parcel into four proposed parcels and development of two single-family dwellings on one of the four proposed parcels located at 7625 Stage Road, unincorporated San Gregorio (Applicants/ Owners: George and Mary Cattermole/Appellants: Shauna McKenna and David Rhodes). This project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. (Planning and Building) | |||
A) |
Report and recommendation | ||||
B) |
Close public hearing | ||||
C) |
Approve or deny appeal | ||||
7. |
9:15 a.m. |
Public hearing to consider the adoption of a resolution and ordinances resubmitting Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Plan and Zoning amendments (Midcoast LCP) for California Coastal Commission certification (Planning and Building) | |||
A) |
Report and recommendation | ||||
B) |
Close public hearing | ||||
C) |
Adopt a resolution directing staff to submit the proposed LCP Land Use Plan amendments for Coastal Commission review and certification without modification | ||||
D) |
Adoption of the following ordinances amending the San Mateo County Ordinance Code and waiver of reading the ordinances in their entirety: | ||||
1) |
Chapter 20, S-105 District revising Section 6300.14.50, adding Sections 6300.14.60 and 6300.14.100 | ||||
2) |
Chapter 20, S-17 District revising Section 6300.2.5, adding Sections 6300.2.7 and 6300.2.11 | ||||
3) |
Chapter 20, S-94 District revising Section 6300.9.11.60, adding Sections 6300.9.11.70 and 6300.9.11.110 | ||||
4) |
Chapter 15, Neighborhood Commercial, C-1 District revising Section 6251, adding Sections 6253 and 6254, and appendix showing the project area map | ||||
5) |
Chapter 20, Section 6300, S District regulations revising Section 6300 | ||||
6) |
Chapter 16.5, Coastside Commercial Recreation District adding Sections 6269.6 and 6270.7 | ||||
7) |
Chapter 18.5, Waterfront District adding Sections 6288.0.4 and 6289.1.5, and revising Section 6289.2 | ||||
8) |
Chapter 17, Light Industrial, M-1 District adding Sections 6276 and 6277 | ||||
9) |
Adding Chapter 12.6, Sections 6229.0 through 6229.4 | ||||
10) |
Section 6115, Zoning Maps to rezone parcels at the Burnham Strip, El Granada area from COSC/DR to EG/DR | ||||
11) |
Chapter 21A, Planned Agricultural District revising Section 6358, adding Sections 6360, 6361 and 6362 | ||||
12) |
Chapter 36, Resource Management-Coastal Zone (RM-CZ) District revising Section 6908A, adding Sections 6908C, 6908D and 6908E | ||||
13) |
Section 6115, Zoning Maps to rezone land near Montara from RM-CZ to RM-CZ/DR and from PAD to PAD/DR | ||||
14) |
Chapter 28.1 Design Review District revising Section 6565.1.A, adding Sections 6565.1.B, 6565.20(I) and revising 6565.7 | ||||
15) |
Chapter 8, Grading Regulations revising Section 8605.6 | ||||
16) |
Chapter 3, Parking Regulations revising Section 6118 | ||||
17) |
Section 6115, Zoning Maps to rezone parcels within the Devil’s Slide bypass alignment property from RM-CZ and R-1/S-17 to COSC and to place a linear park and trail overlay designation on the Devil’s Slide bypass alignment property between the McNee Ranch acquisition of Montara Beach State Park and Highway 1 | ||||
18) |
Chapter 1, General Provisions adding Section 6102.49.05 to define hydromodification | ||||