TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2011 | ||||
A copy of the Board of Supervisors’ agenda packet is available for review at the Law Library, 710 Hamilton Street @ Marshall Street, across from the Hall of Justice. The library is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Saturday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | ||||
Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Rebecca Romero, Agenda Administrator at least 2 working days before the meeting at (650) 363-1802 and/or Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. Attendees to this meeting are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. | ||||
If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a speaker’s slip located on the table near the door. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included in the official record, please hand it to the Clerk of the Board who will distribute the information to the Board members and staff. | ||||
1. |
9:00 a.m. |
If your subject is not on the agenda, or if you wish to speak on a consent or closed session agenda item, the President will recognize you at this time. Speakers are customarily limited to two minutes. A speaker’s slip is required. | ||||
2. |
All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. | ||||
3. |
The Board will adjourn to closed session to consider the following items at the end of the agenda, or at any time during the meeting as time permits. At the conclusion of closed session, the Board will reconvene in open session to report on any actions taken for which a report is required by law. | ||||
A) |
Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation | |||
Quesco Kitchen Warehouse Inc. et al., v. County of San Mateo, et al. | ||||
San Mateo County Superior Court Case No. 503093 | ||||
B) |
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation | |||
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 | ||||
One case | ||||
Times listed under this section are approximate. The Board makes every effort to adhere to the times listed, but in some cases, because of unexpected presentations, items may not be heard precisely at the time scheduled. In no case will any item be heard before the scheduled time. | |||||
4. |
9:00 a.m. |
Presentation of a resolution congratulating Save the Bay upon its 50th anniversary (Supervisor Adrienne Tissier) | |||
5. |
9:00 a.m. |
Resolution accepting the 2012 budget of the San Mateo County Exposition and Fair Association by the San Mateo County Event Center (Communications from Other Agencies) | |||
6. |
9:15 a.m. |
A) |
Presentation of a proclamation designating October 2011 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Supervisor Don Horsley) | ||
B) |
Presentation of a resolution honoring Judy King as the recipient of the 2011 Barbara Hammerman Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Award | ||||
7. |
9:30 a.m. |
Acting as the Governing Board of the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District and after conducting a public hearing, adopt a resolution: (Department of Public Works) | |||
A) |
Ordering the annexation of the Lands of Yoho located at 215 Lindenbrook Road, Woodside, to the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District; and | ||||
B) |
Directing the Director of the Department of Public Works to transmit a copy of the resolution ordering the annexation to the Town of Woodside and file maps of said annexation with the appropriate agencies | ||||
1) |
Report and recommendation | ||||
2) |
Close public hearing | ||||
3) |
Adopt resolution | ||||
8. |
1:30 p.m. |
Presentation of Service Awards (455 County Center, Room 101, Redwood City) (County Manager) | |||
9. |
Resolution establishing salary and benefits for unrepresented management employees of the County of San Mateo for the term of November 1, 2010 through October 27, 2012 |
10. |
Provide staff with direction on the 2012 to 2020 Facilities Occupancy Plan for the Circle Star complex and the County Center facilities (This item was continued from the meeting of October 4, 2011) |
11. |
County Manager’s report |
12. |
Board members’ committee reports |
All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. |
13. |
Approve the minutes for the meeting of September 27 and October 4, 2011 |
Supporting Documents September 27, 2011 |
Supporting Documents October 4, 2011 |
14. |
Ratification of a resolution honoring the Quarry Park Playground (Supervisor Carole Groom) |
15. |
Approve corrections to the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 annual secured property tax roll for 207-209 Shoreline Drive and the 2010 and 2011 annual secured property tax roll for 240-250 Shoreline Drive, Redwood City |
16. |
Approve corrections to the 2011 annual property tax roll for Fairway Apartments, South San Francisco; Green Hills Country Club, Millbrae and Sarah King Willmer, Woodside |
17. |
Approve corrections to the 2011 unsecured property tax roll for Millbrae Square Co. and Flores Gardens |
18. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with the California Department of Public Health for the provision of public health emergency preparedness for the term of July 1, 2011 through August 9, 2012 in the amount of $1,121,761, no Net County Cost |
19. |
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of an award from the California Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Branch for the provision of tuberculosis prevention and control activities for the term of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $309,197, no Net County Cost |
20. |
Resolution authorizing: |
A) |
A Memorandum of Agreement with Samaritan House and the San Mateo Health Commission doing business as Health Plan of San Mateo for the provision of primary medical services at Samaritan House’s facilities at no cost for the term of September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2014, no Net County Cost; and |
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications in an amount not to exceed $25,000 |
21. |
Resolution: |
A) |
Accepting a donation of an adapted bicycle for use in the California Children’s Services Medical Therapy Program Medical Therapy Units; and |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of Family Health Services to execute the disclaimer, release of liability and any further agreements with The Variety Children’s Charity in connection with the donation |
22. |
Adoption of an ordinance amending the salary ordinance and accepting the report on the total number of positions in the County, previously introduced on October 4, 2011 and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety |
23. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with the City of Redwood City and the Redwood City School District for the provision of operational cost of the Redwood City Community Schools for FY 2011-12 for the term of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $113,676, $113,676 is Net County Cost |
24. |
Resolution: |
A) |
Waiving the Request for Proposals process and authorizing an agreement with Bay Area Academy/California State University, Fresno Foundation for the provision of direct Child Welfare Title IV-E training for Children and Family Services staff for the term of October 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in an amount not to exceed $120,000, $40,000 is Net County Cost; and |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Human Services Agency or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications in an amount not to exceed $25,000 |
25. |
A) |
Introduction of an ordinance amending the Master Salary ordinance and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety; and |
B) |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $945,384 from various accounts to various accounts to fund the new positions for partial service delivery for AB 109 clients in San Mateo County (4/5ths vote required); and |
C) |
Resolution in support of constitutional protection of realignment funding for public safety |
26. |
Resolution waiving the Request for Proposals process and authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works to execute: |
A) |
An agreement with Valley Power for the provision of identification and installation of smog emission filters for County owned on-road diesel vehicles for the term of October 18, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in an amount not to exceed $350,000; and |
B) |
Subsequent amendments and minor modifications in an amount not to exceed $25,000 |
27. |
Resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Blue Water Design Group, extending the agreement term through March 30, 2012 |
28. |
Resolution: |
A) |
Increasing the Director of the Department of Public Works’ authority to execute change orders to the contract with Stevens Creek Quarry, Inc., for the payment of unanticipated project costs related to the Pescadero Landfill Closure Project, increasing the amount by $150,000 to $936,830; and |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works to execute subsequent change orders to grant time extensions for project completion in order to complete the remaining portion of the Pescadero Landfill Closure Project |
29. |
Resolution waiving the Request for Proposals process and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to purchase a Lenco BearCat G3 Tactical Emergency Response Vehicle in the amount of $300,000, no Net County Cost |
30. |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $150,000 from Unanticipated Revenue to Contract Special Services for the expenditure of additional grant funds from FY 2010 State Homeland Security Grant Program allocated to the Northern California Regional Terrorism Threat Assessment Center for a Public Health Analyst (4/5ths vote required) |
Telecasts of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meetings can be seen throughout most of San Mateo County, Thursdays at 7:30PM, replayed on Fridays at 8:00AM and Saturdays at 10:00AM on Peninsula TV Channel 26. Palo Alto Cable viewers can see the meetings Thursday nights at 7:00PM on Channel 29. For more information on air dates for other communities, please contact Peninsula TV at (650) 637-1936. |
Public records that relate to any item on the open session agenda for a regular board meeting are available for public inspection. Those records that are distributed less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed to all members, or a majority of the members of the Board. The Board has designated the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, for the purpose of making those public records available for inspection. The documents are also available on the County's Internet Web site, at the link for Board of Supervisors agendas for upcoming meetings. The website is located at:,2151,1864_26218,00.html. The San Mateo County Ordinance Code can be accessed on the World Wide Web at: |