All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. |
13. |
Recommendation for the reappointment of Sherrill Swan to the Arts Commission representing the Third District, term expiring December 31, 2010 (Supervisor Rich Gordon) |
14. |
Recommendation for the appointments of Kamina Wilson and Hope Windsor-Wells to the In-Home Support Services Public Authority Advisory Committee, terms expiring December 31, 2009 (Supervisors Rose Jacobs Gibson and Mark Church) |
15. |
Recommendation for the appointment of Rito A. Andujo to the Workforce Investment Board representing Local Business, term expiring June 30, 2010 (Supervisor Mark Church) |
16. |
Recommendation for the appointment of Beverly Beasley Johnson to the Workforce Investment Board representing One-Stop Partner, term expiring January 31, 2009 (Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson) |
17. |
Ratification of a resolution honoring the City of Millbrae Senior Center and Senior Advisory Committee on their first annual Millbrae Health and Wellness Faire (Supervisor Mark Church) |
18. |
Ratification of a resolution honoring Michael J. McLaughlin upon his retirement from the Teamsters’ Union Local #856 (Supervisor Jerry Hill) |
19. |
Ratification of a resolution honoring Lieutenant Ted Silvas upon his retirement from the Millbrae Police Department (Supervisor Mark Church) |
20. |
Resolution authorizing: (Jointly with the Health Department) | |
A) |
An amendment to the agreement with Deloitte Consulting LLP for consulting services, extending the term through March 11, 2007, increasing the amount by $85,374 to $705,574 | |
B) |
The Chief Information Officer to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement |
21. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with San Bruno Mountain Watch, SunChase G.A. California I, Inc. and Sterling Pacific Management Services, Inc. for the transfer in fee title of three parcels on San Bruno Mountain for inclusion in San Bruno Mountain County Park, pursuant to the San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan and for the payment of $234,038 to the County for habitat reclamation, property staking and geotechnical review related to such parcels and to further authorize acceptance of such transfer and other documents as may be necessary to effectuate the agreement |
Supporting Document Board Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
Supporting Document Agreement |
22. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with the State Department of Mental Health for Mental Health Services Act funds for the term of March 1, 2006 through June 30, 2008, in the amount of $15,216,123 |
Supporting Document Board Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
Supporting Document Agreement | |
23. |
Resolution authorizing the Controller to continue payments on San Mateo County AIDS Program service agreements with the AIDS Community Research Consortium and Community Dental Care, Inc. from March 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 |
Supporting Document Board Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
24. |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $2,200,000 from Departmental Reserves to All Other Service Charges to cover expenses associated with the Information Technology Strategic Plan (4/5ths vote required) (Jointly with the Chief Information Officer) |
Supporting Document Board Memo | |
Supporting Document Appropriation Transfer Request | |
25. |
Adoption of an ordinance amending the salary ordinance adding two unclassified Biologist/Standards Specialist positions, previously introduced and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety |
Supporting Document Ordinance |
26. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
An agreement with Northpoint Housing, Inc. to provide Section 108 loan funds for the development of Trestle Glen at El Camino Transit Village for the term of 55 years, in an amount not to exceed $10,745,000 | |
B) |
The Director of the Department of Housing or his designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Executive Summary | ||
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement |
27. |
Report recommending denial of the following claims: | ||
Claims (Non-Culpable) | |||
Richard Bayona |
Peter Gertz | ||
Michael Galati |
David Michael Mangum | ||
28. |
Introduction of an ordinance amending the salary ordinance and accepting the report on the total number of positions in the County, and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety | ||
Supporting Document Board Memo | |||
Supporting Document Ordinance | |||
Supporting Document Report |
29. |
A) |
Introduction of an ordinance amending the salary ordinance adding one unclassified Case Management/Assessment Specialist position, and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety |
B) |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $264,845 from Other State Aid and Agency Reserves to various accounts for the Substance Abuse Offender Treatment Program (4/5ths vote required) | |
30. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with the Local Agency Formation Commission for the provision of staffing, quarters, supplies and legal services for FY 2006-07, in an amount not to exceed $236,211 |
Supporting Document Board Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
Supporting Document Agreement |
31. |
Resolutions designating: | |
A) |
No parking zones on portions of Alpine Road, Cornell Avenue and Middlefield Road | |
B) |
No parking during specified hours zone on a portion of 2nd Avenue | |
C) |
One-hour time limited parking zone on a portion of Hurlingame Avenue | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Resolution |
32. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
An agreement with Sequoia Union High School District for the provision of one on-site School Resource Officer and management of a School Resource Officer Program for the term of August 29, 2005 through June 8, 2007, in an amount not to exceed $49,875 | |
B) |
The Sheriff to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
33. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
An amendment to the agreement with Johnson Controls, Inc. for the completion of various small security additions and enhancements for the San Mateo Medical Center’s Health Services Campus, Burlingame Long Term Care Facility and other health facilities, extending the term through December 31, 2008, increasing the amount by $50,000 to $142,164 | |
B) |
The Sheriff to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
34. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
An agreement with RJ Lee Solutions, LLC for the development and deployment of the Laboratory Information Management System software used by the Forensic Laboratory, extending the term through June 30, 2007 | |
B) |
The Sheriff to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
35. |
Resolution approving the Sheriff’s record retention schedule which will protect useful and vital records, identify historically valuable records and assure the prompt and systematic disposal of obsolete records (4/5ths vote required) | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution |
36. |
Resolutions authorizing discharge from accountability for the collection of: | |
A) |
Costs, fines, fees and assessments in the amount of $28,343,898.47 | |
B) |
Overpayments for Welfare Assistance in the amount of $499,196.25 | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Attachment | ||
37. |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $36,000 from Revenue Services Departmental Reserves to Services and Supplies as well as ISD budgets to replace end-of-life computer equipment and allow for the transfer of Revenue Services’ user accounts from the Human Resources’ Department server to the new Treasurer-Tax Collector-Revenue Services server (4/5ths vote required) | |
Supporting Document Board Memo | ||
Supporting Document Appropriation Transfer Request |