TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2009 | ||
A copy of the Board of Supervisors’ agenda packet is available for review at the Law Library, 710 Hamilton Street @ Marshall Street, across from the Hall of Justice. The library is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Saturday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | ||
Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Rebecca Romero, Agenda Administrator at least 2 working days before the meeting at (650) 363-1802 and/or Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. Attendees to this meeting are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. | ||
If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a speaker’s slip located on the table near the door. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included in the official record, please hand it to the Clerk of the Board who will distribute the information to the Board members and staff. | ||
1. |
8:15 a.m. |
Negotiations: IHSS | ||
County Negotiator: Fran Buchanan | ||
2. |
9:00 a.m. |
All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. | ||
3. |
If your subject is not on the agenda, the President will recognize you at this time. Speakers are customarily limited to two minutes. A speaker’s slip is required. |
Times listed under this section are approximate. The Board makes every effort to adhere to the times listed, but in some cases, because of unexpected presentations, items may not be heard precisely at the time scheduled. In no case will any item be heard before the scheduled time. | |||
4. |
9:00 a.m. |
Presentation of a proclamation designating June 14 through June 20, 2009 as Fatherhood Awareness Week (Supervisor Mark Church) | |
5. |
9:00 a.m. |
Annual Report on the activities of the Fatherhood Collaborative (Supervisor Mark Church) | |
6. |
9:15 a.m. |
Acting as the Governing Board of County Service Area No. 8, conduct a public hearing to consider a resolution adopting the garbage and recyclable collection rates for County Service Area No. 8, North Fair Oaks area for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 years: (Governing Board) | |
A) |
Report and recommendation | ||
B) |
Close public hearing | ||
C) |
Adopt resolution | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Attachment | |||
Supporting Document Attachment | |||
7. |
9:15 a.m. |
Resolution increasing the Sheriff’s Office Jail Access Fee by $31 to $246 for FY 2009-10 pursuant to AB 1805, Government Code 29551-29552 (4/5ths vote required) (Sheriff) | |
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
8. |
9:30 a.m. |
Report and response on the H1N1 Influenza Swine flu outbreak from the County Health Officer (Health System) | |
9. |
1:30 p.m. |
Presentation of Service Awards (Room 101, 455 County Center, Redwood City) (County Manager) | |
10. |
5:00 p.m. |
Study session on the California Coastal Commission (CCC) staff’s recommendation on the Midcoast Update Local Coastal Program Amendments (Half Moon Bay High School, One Lewis Foster Drive, Half Moon Bay): (Planning and Building) | |
A) |
Consider possible responses to the CCC staff’s recommendation | ||
B) |
Accept additional staff analyses and public testimony | ||
C) |
Accept public testimony | ||
D) |
Provide final direction to staff regarding the County’s response at the July 7, 2009 Board of Supervisors meeting | ||
Supporting Document Executive Summary | |||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Attachment |
11. |
A) |
Resolution authorizing up to $2,500,000 to La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District to supplement bond funds for school repair and renovation |
B) |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $2,500,000 from Non-Departmental Reserves to Loan to Other Funds/Agencies for the purpose of assisting the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District to pay for work already done and complete essential construction at its school sites (4/5ths vote required) | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Appropriation Transfer Request |
12. |
Resolution replacing Resolution No. 070047: (Continued from the meeting of April 28, 2009) | |
A) |
Approving the issuance and sale of bonds by the South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA), in the principal amount not to exceed $65,455,000 | |
B) |
Approving the refund by the SBWMA of its Series 2000 Bonds | |
C) |
Agreeing that the County shall not rescind this approval unless it is withdrawing from the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement and pays its proportionate share of all existing debts of the Authority including the Obligations, any Refunding Obligations and the 2000 Bonds as required by the JPA agreement | |
D) |
Authorizing and directing County officers and staff to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of the resolution and ratifying any and all such actions previously taken by such authorized officers or staff members | |
Supporting Document Executive Summary | ||
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Attachment |
13. |
County Manager’s report: |
Communications Program Update | |
14. |
Board members’ committee reports |
All items on the consent agenda are approved by one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting that an item be withdrawn or transferred to the regular agenda. Any item on the regular agenda may be transferred to the consent agenda. |
15. |
Resolution amending the composition of the Deferred Compensation Advisory Committee to eliminate the requirement that the County Manager appoint a representative of the Controller’s Office and to increase the number of management employee representatives appointed by the County Manager from 2 to 3 |
Supporting Document Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
16. |
Accept the report on changes to the tax rolls from corrections, cancellations or refunds for FY 2007-08 |
Supporting Document Memo | |
Supporting Document Attachment |
17. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
A joint powers agreement establishing the San Mateo Pre-Hospital Emergency Services Providers Group | |
B) |
The County Manager to execute any necessary implementing documents and agreements, including but not limited to automatic aid and first response agreements | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution |
18. |
Acting as the Governing Board of County Service Area No. 8, North Fair Oaks area, adopt a resolution setting a time and place for a public hearing to consider adoption of the Garbage and Recyclables Collection Service Charges Report for FY 2009-10 |
(Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 9:15 a.m.) | |
Supporting Document Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
Supporting Document Attachment | |
19. |
Acting as the Governing Board of the Burlingame Hills Sewer Maintenance District, Crystal Springs County Sanitation District, Devonshire County Sanitation District, Edgewood Sewer Maintenance District, Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District, Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District, Harbor Industrial Sewer Maintenance District, Kensington Square Sewer Maintenance District, Oak Knoll Sewer Maintenance District and Scenic Heights County Sanitation District, adopt a resolution setting a time and place for a public hearing to consider the filing of the Sewer Service Charges Report for FY 2009-10 based on the sewer service rates set for FY 2009-10 |
(Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 9:30 a.m.) | |
Supporting Document Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution |
20. |
A) |
Resolution authorizing: | |
1) |
An agreement with the California Department of Aging for the support and enhancement of the Senior Community Services Employment Program for the term of April 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, in the amount of $41,416 | ||
2) |
An agreement with the California Department of Aging for the support and enhancement of the Congregate Nutrition Program for the term of April 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010, in the amount of $200,847 | ||
3) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
B) |
Resolution authorizing a transfer in the amount of $78,616 from Unanticipated Revenue to Provider Services Programs to recognize additional funds from the California Department of Aging for the Title III Nutrition and Senior Community Services Employment Programs (4/5ths vote required) | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
Supporting Document Appropriation Transfer Request | |||
21. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with El Centro de Libertad for the provision of alcohol and drug treatment and prevention services for FYs 2009-11, in an amount not to exceed $4,949,818, $409,923 is Net County Cost for FY 2009-10 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
22. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with Sitike Counseling Center for the provision of alcohol and drug treatment services for FYs 2009-11, in an amount not to exceed $4,228,840, $130,282 is Net County Cost for FY 2009-10 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
23. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with The Latino Commission for the provision of alcohol and drug treatment services for FYs 2009-11, in an amount not to exceed $4,897,934, $207,164 is Net County Cost for FY 2009-10 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
24. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with Women’s Recovery Association for the provision of alcohol and drug treatment services for FYs 2009-11, in an amount not to exceed $6,489,426, $724,952 is Net County Cost for FY 2009-10 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
25. |
Resolution authorizing an agreement with Eli Lilly and Company for the provision of pharmaceutical access rebates for FY 2009-10 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
26. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with Prins, Williams & Associates, LLC for the provision of research and evaluation services for FY 2009-10, in an amount not to exceed $244,533, no Net County Cost | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
27. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with R House for the provision of day treatment rehabilitation, medication support and mental health services for FY 2009-10, in an amount not to exceed $126,600, no Net County Cost | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
28. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with Rashmi Garg, M.D. for the provision of psychiatry services for FYs 2009-11, in an amount not to exceed $358,280, no Net County Cost | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
29. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An agreement with Donnis S. Hobson, M.D. for the provision of specialty plastic surgery services for FY 2009-10, in an amount not to exceed $124,500 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
30. |
Resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Blood Centers of the Pacific for the provision of blood and blood products to the San Mateo Medical Center, increasing the amount by $50,000 to $721,748 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
31. |
Resolution authorizing: | ||
A) |
An amendment to the agreement with Language Line Services, Inc. for the provision of interpretation services to the San Mateo Medical Center, increasing the amount by $80,000 to $140,000 | ||
B) |
The Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement | |||
32. |
Resolution: | ||
A) |
Waiving the Request for Proposal process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Shelter Network for the provision of shelter services, extending the term through June 30, 2010, increasing the amount by $72,500 to $125,000 | ||
B) |
Authorizing the Chief of the Health System or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Resolution | |||
Supporting Document Agreement |
33. |
Report recommending denial of the following claims: | ||
Claims (Non-Culpable) | |||
Nicole Blincoe |
Alejandra Rodriguez | ||
Grant Meyer |
Somen Toy | ||
34. |
Adoption of an ordinance amending the salary ordinance and accepting the report on the total number of positions in the County, previously introduced on June 9, 2009 and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety | ||
Supporting Document Memo | |||
Supporting Document Ordinance | |||
Supporting Document Report |
35. |
Resolution: | |
A) |
Waiving the Request for Proposal process and authorizing an agreement with the Peninsula Library System for operation of the Community Information Program for FY 2009-10, in an amount not to exceed $200,000, $60,000 is Net County Cost | |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Human Services Agency or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
36. |
Resolution: | |
A) |
Waiving the Request for Proposal process and authorizing an agreement with the San Mateo County Community College District for the provision of the Independent Living Skills Program classes for FYs 2009-12, in an amount not to exceed $450,000, $135,000 is Net County Cost | |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Human Services Agency or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
37. |
Resolution waiving the Request for Proposal process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Document Fulfillment Services for the pickup of DVD data disks, printing, folding, stuffing and mailing of client correspondence generated by the software system resulting from the migration to the CalWORKS Information Network, extending the term through June 30, 2010, increasing the amount by $170,000 to $565,000, no Net County Cost | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
38. |
Resolution: | |
A) |
Waiving the Request for Proposal process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Puente de la Costa Sur for the provision of child abuse prevention and intervention services through information, referral and counseling, extending the term through June 30, 2010, increasing the amount by $95,000 to $190,000, no Net County Cost | |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Human Services Agency or her designee to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement |
39. |
Resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Maxonic Milestone Management for the provision of consulting services, extending the term through December 31, 2009, increasing the amount by $90,000 to $228,000 |
Supporting Document Memo | |
Supporting Document Resolution | |
Supporting Document Agreement |
40. |
Resolution: | |
A) |
Awarding a contract to Petersen Dean Roofing and Solar Systems for the Elections Office Roofing in the amount of $89,700 | |
B) |
Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works to execute contract change orders, in the amount of $13,500 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Attachment | ||
41. |
Make a finding to continue the local emergency declaration for constructing slope stabilization within the landslide, La Honda area (4/5ths vote required) | |
42. |
Resolution authorizing: | |
A) |
An agreement with the City and County of San Francisco for the distribution of federal FY 2007 United States Department of Homeland Security Super Urban Area Security Initiative (SUASI) grant funds for the term of January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009, in an amount not to exceed $900,524 | |
B) |
An agreement with the City and County of San Francisco for the distribution of federal FY 2008 United States Department of Homeland Security Super Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds for FY 2009-10, in an amount not to exceed $2,253,456 | |
C) |
The Sheriff to sign grant assurances and related documents in connection with the SUASI grant funding that supports the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) | |
D) |
An amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, expanding the services provided by the County, increasing the money paid to the County | |
E) |
The Sheriff to execute interagency agreements with agencies which assign staff to the NCRIC in order to disburse the SUASI funds | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
Supporting Document Agreement | ||
Supporting Document Memorandum of Understanding | ||
43. |
Resolution setting the application and renewal fees for a business license to operate a medical marijuana collective in the unincorporated area of the County, in the amount of $100 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution |
44. |
A) |
Resolution authorizing discharge from accountability of collection efforts for Revenue Services for certain accounts receivable for FY 2007-08, in the total amount of $17,999,999.99 |
B) |
Resolution authorizing discharge from accountability of collection efforts for the Human Services Agency for overpayments of Welfare Assistance for FY 2007-08, in the total amount of $360,072.11 | |
Supporting Document Memo | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Resolution | ||
Supporting Document Attachment | ||
Telecasts of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meetings can be seen throughout most of San Mateo County, Thursdays at 7:30PM, replayed on Fridays at 8:00AM and Saturdays at 10:00AM on Peninsula TV Channel 26. Palo Alto Cable viewers can see the meetings Thursday nights at 7:00PM on Channel 29. For more information on air dates for other communities, please contact Peninsula TV at (650) 637-1936. | ||
Public records that relate to any item on the open session agenda for a regular board meeting are available for public inspection. Those records that are distributed less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed to all members, or a majority of the members of the Board. The Board has designated the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, for the purpose of making those public records available for inspection. The documents are also available on the County's Internet Web site, at the link for Board of Supervisors agendas for upcoming meetings. The website is located at:,2151,1864_26218,00.html. The San Mateo County Ordinance Code can be accessed on the World Wide Web at: |